MovieChat Forums > Electronic, Techno & Dance > Save Earth With Music

Save Earth With Music

Jason Vales is proud to announce the release
of Vida Beats new album Loud Love

His fascination with music began in June of 2013 and he is quickly establishing himself as musician and activist amongst his peers and the animal community alike. His electronic beats are making their way across the ears of eager listeners and activists around the world. With his latest work Loud Love he brings awareness to issues that many overlook on a day to day basis. Our busy lives sometimes block the reminder that there are critical issues that need to be dealt with, but Jason Vales is here to gently remind us, the world is a beautiful place and worth saving. The world is ready for change and Jason Vales is here to bring it. Hailing from New York City he has a feel for what the masses want to hear, and with a true passion for life (Vida) knows exactly what is needed to do it.
Jason Vales is more than a talented artist with a passion for music, he has a vision of making the world a better place. With his upcoming release Loud Love he promises to do just that, one Vida Beat at a time. With title tracks such as: “From the Heart, Dragon Rider, Ghosts of the Past and Evolving Creatures.” He has captured both nature and the feeling and emotion of human error past, present and possible future. His earthy beats and nature inspired undertones not only touch and inspire the soul, but also send a clear message- Jason Vales is here to make a difference. With his latest album released on 10/10/14 along with its #saveearthwithmusic campaign donating $1 to the Global Animal Fund from every album sold, it is a message that comes through loud and clear. There is no voice too loud when defending the silent cries of the voiceless. Love Loud!!

Written by Nyla Vox
