MovieChat Forums > Crime, Police, Detective, Conspiracy > Reality Crime + Mystery Shows?

Reality Crime + Mystery Shows?

Iam in LOVE with Reality Crime Shows.

Some of the popular ones i've watched are

Cold case files
Forensic Files
The First 48
48 HOURS mysteries
Dateline msnbc

Iam wondering if anybody can be kind enough to suggest any other ones they have heard of?? I've watched nearly every episode of the ones mentioned above so iam now looking for a new show similar to those ones i mentioned. Thank you in advance..

PLEASE do not say Cops!!!!


i am sick and tired of these shows, cant you see, the theme is always the same, a murder,finding a suspect, solving the, and to add to your list, NCIS is the only show that i have time for, thanks, cya.


ummm NCIS isn't a real crime show.

I am actually interested in real crime shows because I study criminology and i read alot of books about true crime. they are the only sort of books i read. Maybe you are sick of them because you are into other things. I am sick of talent singing shows. It's all the same. Ppl audition, they sing, ppl judge them, they get kicked off and there is one winner yet i don't go on other people's topics and say iam sick of them. If you couldn't answer my question. why bother even replying no offense.


If you have HD TV, you can go to Discovery ID (It's 2104 for me). They have those shows 24 hours a day!


America's Most Wanted
An oldie you might find on DVD: Unsolved Mysteries


Have you seen Killer Instinct?


I doN't know about USA ( anymore ), I am back in britain for my spouse's HELP and to help my spouse , but in BOVINEs' Britain , as of July 2012 they areN't even showing -PersonOf-Interest- which all other countries=civilised ones, had already bought and featured.
english TV will show "Reality" police shows (after the PR DEPTs ensure english police woMen get depicted as "heroes") with "good" police woMen = i.e. NOt REALity . In English "Fantasy/thriller" shows like -Line-oF-Duty-, white,english women beg to give BlowJobs to BLACK english/BRIT Police MEN = GENTs And english police woMen are corrupt, rude , lazy Plus Obese =i.e. REALITY. In england everything is UpsideDown, PERVerse WITH/About english "ppl", Reality is Stranger/MoreSORDID than fantasy. english women drink and sleep around more then men. Moreover, english preteen ! girls drink and sleep aroung more than english women and MEN! 8-9y.o. english girls , for Real, KEENly Pay men for the "girls" to do PORN Sex for the Unwilling Men ( that;s why there are so many gay men and "paedos" in England)
Italian police shows like Zen , showed Italian police being smart, HEROic, cultured, speaking English , Respecting and LOVING ( OLD ) Ladies, drinking the Best Wine and eating the best food = REALITY! French drama -TheSpiral- with SEXy French Gent Gregory Fitoussi also showed FRENCH PPL as CLASSY, CULTURED EVEN WHEN CORRUPT!
The BENT-in-all-Aspects english have NOthing to show for!


American Justice is a good one, i also like Killer Trials: Judgement Day

you can't spell slaughter without laughter
