Private Eye Noirs

Just how many total Classic Noir PI films (classic period is generally 1942-1960 +/- are there, I can think of film (detective):

One offs

The Maltese Falcon (Sam Spade)
The Dark Corner (Bradford Gault)
Out Of The Past (Jeff Bailey)
The Grand Central Murder (Rocky Custer)
Pitfall (?)
Behind Locked Doors (?)


The Big Sleep (Philip Marlowe)
Murder My Sweet (Philip Marlowe)
The Lady In The lake (Philip Marlowe)
The Brasher Doubloon (Philip Marlowe)

I, The Jury (Mike Hammer)
Kiss Me Deadly (Mike Hammer)
My Gun Is Quick (Mike Hammer) (with a very loose definition even then barely a Noir)

Any others between 1941-1960 with real PI's not Police Detectives?


Michael Shayne films

Too Many Winners - 1947 H. Beaumont
Three on a Ticket - 1947 H. Beaumont
Blonde for a Day - 1946 H. Beaumont
Larceny in Her Heart -1946 H. Beaumont
Murder is my Business - 1946 H. Beaumont
Time to Kill - 1942 - L Nolan
Just off Broadway - 1942 L. Nolan
The Man Who wouldn't Die - 1942 L. Nolan
Dressed to Kill - 1941 L. Nolan
Sleepers West - 1941 L. Nolan
M. Shayne Private Detective - 1940 L. Nolan

TV Series - Michael Shayne - 1961 Richard Denning


