Fringe and The Killing

These two shows are fantastic. I am using Netflix...lst watched The Killing (Who killed Rosie Lynden)....and spent many hours watching the series and not doing housework. Then I started watching Fringe. Anna Torv looks, like behaves like, talks like, hair like Mierille Enos in Killing. I spent hours on the computer trying to make these two people one. Guess I can't. But, why is Anna a duplicate of Enos? Loved the Killing.


I agree that both of these shows were excellent, although I'd give the edge to Fringe. I guess I can see the resemblance you refer to, although it doesn't seem as strong to me as it does to you. However, If there's any influence of one on the other, it's Mireille Enos's character/performance which is derivative, as Anna Torv's character premiered on Fringe almost three years before The Killing began its run.

By the bye, in case you haven't heard, The Killing returns with a new investigation on 2 June. I'm looking forward to seeing more of Enos and Joel Kinnaman.


DrZaat...thank you for your reply. Yeah for June 2nd. No, I hadn't heard..I'm looking forward to it. I really like Enos. Fringe is weird stuff, but The Killing was dramatic, always trying to find out who the killer was...surprise!
I'm hooked. Thank you for letting me know the order these shows came out..Have a grand day. BTW..I hope she gets her son back...


Yes, after time I can se they are definately not the same person. I'm going through Season 2 now. I watch several shows a day. Joy


Two hour premiere for The Killing season 3 on Sunday night!


What channel will The Killing be on? Joy


The show will be on AMC.
