COPS - most belligerent

Woe! From '03. Woman with a flat face and a sorta-mullet, kinky hair, swings off into a wet, muddy spot on a park or something when they light her up. (She bitches about this when getting back in her car. Like she was in no way involved in where she stopped her car.). Royally nasty-sarcastic from the jump to the very patient cop. "Oh yeah, like I got a weapon! No, I WON'T take my hands outta my pockets! NO I don't have a social security number! Your job is to write a ticket so write it!" The cop was
really nice, asking if she had a problem he might help her with, which doubled her rage. Just a *nasty* woman!


(Damned phone changed my "Whoa" to "Woe.")
