Young, female victims

Last week on Alcatraz a beautiful, young woman was murdered. Monday night on H50 and Castle beautiful, young women were the victims. And Tuesday night on Unforgettable a beautiful, young woman was shot dead. All the women were about the same age. These are the last four hour-long shows I've watched. I realize that this is a small sample, but is it a trend or are they always the favourite target of writers? Have these writers perhaps been rejected too many times and this is their revenge? Or does murdering an older woman just not grab the audience as much?

Perhaps I'm overly sensitive because there is currently a high-profile murder trial happening in my city where the victim was a young woman. I hope these shows don't represent actual statistics too closely. But I think if the streak extends to five shows I may stop watching them as it's getting a bit creepy. Maybe I am watching too many of them!


I don't think you're being overly sensitive..Didn't you know, sex sells..


The victim on Murder in the First is a beautiful young woman.
