Any fans of 'Cold Case'?

I was a fan of the show for several years, even starting a wiki, and writing a few fan "episodes".

I found the creative visuals used to distinguish a flashback scene from the present rather creative. Some of the matches between older and younger version of characters were spotty, much most were pretty good. What I think everyone enjoyed, however, was the music, especially the end montages, with the doer(s) being arrested, the other characters going on with their lives, putting away the victim's case box in storage with the word CLOSED on it, and finally the victim being "seen" by one of the detectives or someone close to the victim.

How about you?


COLD CASE is probably the one US crime series that I really like, in fact I have to say I'm totally addicted to this show, they never showed the whole 7 seasons in Australia, why I don't know, but I was lucky enough to be given the whole series last Xmas, and I'm currently watching it again for the 3rd time. I love how the characters Lily Scotty Will etc all have their hang-ups and demons, people can really relate to this group, and of course the endings and the music are real tear jerkers (always have my tissues handy) don't ask me if I have a favorite episode, I love them all, of course some are sadder than others, and many of them are also thought provoking and disturbing. One episode that did upset me very much was
DEATH SENTENCE We don't have it in Australia anymore, but I should imagine that many Americans seeing this episode would had to have been questioning the wisdom of the death penalty. All in all a really great TV series, wish they would make more like this one. It's pretty hard to get interested in crime shows that have their female cops prancing around crime scenes dressed like hookers.
Cheers from Australia.


I think the episode you're referring to is "Death Penalty: Final Appeal". (Personally I think the title, then colon, then another title was a bit much. The last two words would probably have been enough).

My own favorite episode is season three's "A Perfect Day", with season four's "Cargo" being a close second. There's been some really enjoyable ones in every season though, like "Hubris", "Factory Girls", "Mindhunters", "Forever Blue", "The Road", "Libertyville", the "Blue" 2-parter, and "Soul".

The shows not totally without it's cliches. Two that fans zero in on a lot is the victim's best friends being the doer so often, and have victims die from a fall so often.

A few of us even tried to write a virtual "eighth season", which would've continued the series with more cases and followed up some of the storylines. It didn't really pan out, but I did managed to write a 2 part premiere, which I think reads pretty well.


Yes, A Perfect Day had me blubbering like a baby, another one I liked too, was The Hen House. I have to say, I didn't much like the 'Christina' character, a bit too 'skanky' also the final episode was a bit of a letdown, sort of left us hanging a bit, it's a pity your eighth season didn't come off. BTW my disc only shows the title as DEATH SENTENCE then later the same title (different story) show up on another disc. weird. anyway, I'm currently on season 4 so will have the tissues handy when CARGO comes up. Another heartbreaking episode.


A lot of fans probably found Christina not too likeable, but I was glad they brought her back for the end. I wasn't into the show until mid-season 3 (starting with "A Perfect Day"), so I missed all the stuff with her and Scotty in season 2 first time around. I think the finale was written as something that could serve as a series finale (which it ultimately was), but could also leave a few threads open and serve as a possible season finale in case the show would be renewed. That was an extremely slim possibility, however. The show narrowly escaped the axe at the end of season six ("Without a Trace", another Bruckheimer drama that was a year older, got cut instead) The later timeslot and constantly being delayed as much as 45 minutes because of NFL games REALLY hurt the ratings. On top of that, the show's budget was cut, meaning no more location shooting in the real Philly, and reduced episodes for Jeffries, Vera, and Miller (why one of them was usually absent from most season 7 episodes).

And while, for the most part, I enjoyed the personal story arcs in season 7 (especially whenever Keith Szarabajka showed up as Doherty), I personally found some of the cases themselves not as compelling as past seasons. I was also kind of disappointed that the storyline of Lilly's feud with Moe, which started out so promising, kind of fizzled out. (I've read in an interview that Daniel Baldwin himself was kind of bummed how it ended.) Part of the problem is that the fight was too one-sided. Lilly had the entire resources of the Philly PD at her disposal. She could have a boot put on his car, force his loan officer to deny him a loan, make sure he's picked up on a DUI, etc. All Moe could really do in return was file complaints, which is pretty reasonable, actually. Without giving Moe some means to retaliate (other than initially trying to kill her), Lilly almost came off like a bully. Furthermore, while I understand that they couldn't have Lilly be a person of interest in Moe's murder for long and still be an active-duty detective, I thought having a character who hadn't been seen or even mentioned since the previous season abruptly walk in and immediately confess was a little too "deus ex machina". (I initially thought Saccardo would turn out to be the one who killed him and I still think that would've been more interesting, particularly as a moral dilemma if Lilly found out).

Regarding your DVD, it's probably not too surpising, since bootleg DVD's don't always have 100% accurate info. (I personally downloaded them all myself, which I know isn't necessarily much better). IMDb and the Cold Case Wiki both have accurate episode titles and info.

As for the virtual season 8, it may be partially my fault it stalled since I'm an EXTREMELY slow writer (we're talking MONTHS between chapters).

If you wanted to see it, I think it still makes a good stand-alone story. Part 1 is called "The Wall" and Part 2 is called "The Company". The squad reopens the case of a CIA agent who retired at the end of the Cold War in 1993, only to be murdered in a park months later. It's not too long. Just five chapters each (like the five acts of an episode). There's a number of personal subplots going on in the story as well, most significantly Lilly having second thoughts about taking the job with the FBI. The site's webmaster was nice enough to put together a short "Previously, on Cold Case" recap of relevant scenes from the last season. In the tradition of the various single-artist episodes featured on the show, both parts have a soundtrack by R.E.M. (If the song links in the story don't work, all the songs should be on youtube). I even picked actual actors with imdb links for the "guest" characters. (I tried to find actors you'd realistically see in a tv guest starring role. No George Clooneys or Angelina Jolies).

Drop me a PM and let me know what you think of them.


Indeed. Sadly, the music is the reason DVD's will almost certainly never see the light of day.

It's sometimes interesting to pay attention, not just to what period the music's from, but what style and genre it is.

"The Good-Bye Room", for instance, used a lot of Motown, which is interesting, since none of the guest characters where African-American, though, of course, it was quite common for white teens to be fans. "Dog Day Afternoons" and "Two Weddings" both used country music. And of course, many episodes only used music by a single artist or group.


im a fan of cold case. i wish that they show was still on. it saddens me that this show is not on anymore. all that is on is re-runs.


I sympathise. Try reading the above, if it helps.


thanks. i will try

=]kaylee mifflin=]
