MovieChat Forums > Film Art and Cinematography > Ideal Interior Project

Ideal Interior Project

Hey everyone.

I am currently working on a project which aims to create the 'Ideal' space based on research I collect from people's favourite interiors in film. As part of this, I'm creating a zine to present people's chosen film interior stills and why they connect with them.

I have created a google form so that people can submit their chosen still and discuss why they've done so.

I'd really appreciate some responses so that I can get a good variety of styles.

Thanks in advance!👻


"Ideal" is extremely subjective, and in film, what is "ideal" is really what suits the story and the feeling the director is trying to convey. Sometimes what is "ideal" is a grand, ornate, operatic ballroom with crystal chandeliers. Sometimes what is "ideal" is a plain, simple motel room with a bed and a lamp.

That said, some of the most gorgeous sets in film have been designed by Peter Lamont. His sets in the James Bond films are exquisite, ornate, stylized, very elegant. He also re-built the interiors and exteriors of the Titanic for James Cameron.


I think maybe I wasn't clear in what I ask for, apologies.

What I'm looking for is what people regard as their ideal space, and I chose film as a way to communicate that as it manages to visualize a vast amount of styles. If you look at the survey, there is also a question about what YOU (the participant) regard as an essential component in your living space.

My goal is to reach a utopia of interior styles to build a space that takes what people like in films and create a reality of that.

I guess what I'm saying, is that this is almost a matter of personal tastes but I'm trying to discover that through film.

Thanks for your response though, it highlighted to me that maybe I write for myself a bit too much.
