MovieChat Forums > Special and Visual Effects > 80's machine monster movie-making techni...

80's machine monster movie-making technique

what's the name of the movie making technique during the 80's where it has to show a machine alive?

2 examples i can think of:
1. terminator - at the end the terminator shows his skeleton form walking the kill kyle and conner.

2. robocop - ed-209 moving

When you watch it, it's fake but looks so real.

Could it be similar to a claymation technique but without the clay and instead using action figures/small models/dolls/etc.? OR could it be like move the piece 1 inch, take a picture, then move 1 inch, take a picture, do this repeatly and then play it?

i also want to know it they make it look so real.


Knowing Stan Winston, Terminator could have been a combination of Stop motion plus robotic figures

Oh GOOD!,my dog found the chainsaw


I don't think ED-209 used Go-Motion. If it used Go-Motion it would have been far less jerky and also the budget would have been through the roof which is what the producers did not want.


A few months late, but there is The Making of Robocop available for viewing on youtube. The effects were stop-motion for ED-209 but the effects artist director was Phil Tippett who was the pioneer of Go-Motion if I remember correctly.
