3D in general

OMG ~ is every single movie that gets put out going to be in 3D?
From Toy Story to Step Up 3D ... don't get me wrong 3D makes a movie great in some cases but for some movies it's not really necessary. Just adds to the budget or nonsense.

Recall as a kid seeing Jaws 3D (1980's) on TV and thinking 'Wow hope this idea expands...'
Who knew century plus later we would be flooded with movies in 3D

Poop in his hand ... Poop in his hand


Recall as a kid seeing Jaws 3D (1980's) on TV and thinking 'Wow hope this idea expands...'
Who knew century plus later we would be flooded with movies in 3D

You do know a century is a hundred years right?


You do know u just wasted a post just to state that ~ but thanks at least u helped bump my thread

Poop in his hand ... Poop in his hand


I think his point is that it isn't 2080 yet.

Feed Me a Stray Cat


Guessing u r his 2nd ID (troll) ~ cuz that also was just a wasted post
Initial question (again) is every single movie that gets put out going to be in 3D?


apparently not for 70 years.

Feed Me a Stray Cat


Recall as a kid seeing Jaws 3D (1980's) on TV
Who knew century plus later we would be flooded with movies in 3D

Yes, holography way back in the late 20th century was in it's infancy! Although I hope that direct memory-beaming of movies DOES NOT catch on - gives me a headache!

Sorry, Lisa, I couldn't resist! But, your correct - everything is being made or converted into 3D, and even though the Millennium has passed and we are in a new century (21st) - it still feels so gimmicky, a fad. This is one expensive fad though, and I would hope care is given to which movies should get a 3D treatment in the future!

I can't feel nothing at all!
