MovieChat Forums > Special and Visual Effects > Since when has hollywood been able to re...

Since when has hollywood been able to remove wires from the frame?

Since when has hollywood been able to remove wires and other undesirable objects from the frame?

nowadays they can remove anything they don't like in the shot. but when were they able to do this? not in the 70s, right? Superman the movie had to use other effects to make him fly because wires would be visible. so was it in the 80s? 90s? what was the first film to use technology to alter the screen and take something out after the fact?


It all started with La Bamba in 1987.


i knew it!!


how about CliffHanger ?

'm Religious


how about it?


ah yes i forgot about Back to the Future II with the hoverboards.


They had been removing wires and other elements for decades prior, painting them out on a frame by frame basis, with varying success. Sure, Superman did it and it was written about widely, but just the year before ILM were painting out the whole underside of the land-speeder driving rig in Star Wars.

This thread reminded me of watching the commentary for The Mummy Returns; they're watching the scene where a hawk lands on a messenger's arm, and talking about painting out the wires used to keep the hawk on track, meanwhile on screen the wires keep popping in and out of existence! Weak job, but the movie was a seriously rushed effort.
