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Most bizzare storylines +/or moments on any soap ever?

What are some of the more bizarre storylines ever thought up over the years, throughout soap history?

I can think of a couple from Days of our Lives: 1.) When Vivian buried a still-alive Carly 2.) The "alien" Gemini twins - I think they were finally found out to be Tony and Marlena's test-tube kids or some sh*t like that.

I love Sasha Vujacic !!


In 1961 Phil and Louise Capice returned to Monticello to live. Phil was offered management of an importing firm by philanthropist Casey Reno who was actually following orders from Scofield Kilbourne, high up in the dope ring and who had vowed vengeance against Louise's father Winston Grimsley for catching and having imprisoned him for embezzlement in Grimsley's firm. Casey arranged an adoption for the Capices who desperately wanted children, spurring the Capices' faith in his generosity. Mike Karr's investigative team found a connection between Phil's business and the dope ring so Phil was approached to work undercover to expose Casey Reno, who eventually became suspicious of Phil and Kilbourne had a hired killer come to silence Casey. Casey's lieutenant Sam Haven had hired cop Ed Gibson's sister to deliver what she thought were books but were actually dope shipments in 1960 and when she found what the packages contained tried to kill her but, although he failed, the "accident" made her blind. Casey threw a big Christmas party in 1961 and the sister recognized Sam's voice when he was talking to Reno, enabling Mike Karr and Ed Gibson to close in on the gang. Hired killer Lambert shot Reno and escaped to hide out with Kilbourne who lived in a mental hospital with his lover Ursala Bauer which overlooked the Grimsley home. Kilbourne noticed a resemblance between Lambert and Phil Capice and had an alcoholic plastic surgeon make him into Phil. An arranged accident enabled the substitution and Kilbourne now had Phil in his clutches. Lambert was assumed to be Phil suffering from injuries and went to live with Louise at Grimsley's mansion. When Lambert had "recovered" and attempted to bed Louise, she realized he wasn't her husband and was about to tell Mike Karr when she received a phone call from Kilbourne allowing her to speak to Phil, verifying he was alive, and warning her if she ever told anyone of the substitution Phil would die. Louise was beside herself for weeks and no one knew what was troubling her. Then Kilbourne came to the mansion one night, fatally shooting Lambert, and Louise was accused of murdering her husband. What was she to do? Kilbourne kept contacting her assuring that beloved Phil would die if she told anyone.

Phil Capice was played by Ray MacDonnell who did double duty as Lambert. You may remember the actor who was the original Joe Martin on All My Children. Phil Capice was one of the major characters on The Edge of Night from 1961 to 1969. I'm sure the actor who had so many bouts with crime and near deaths was happy to leave Monticello to move to Pine Valley. LOL


WOW, thanks so much grantch, that sounds like an awesome story full of cool twists and turns - I wish could get my hands on some video of it. I'll try youTube. Incidently, I am obsessed with storylines involving someone having plastic surgery to look like someone else, and steal their life. What other good ones, from Edge of Night or elsewhere, do you know of? You are a plethera of knowledge about great storylines!!

I love Sasha Vujacic !!


Sunset Beach there was that guy who faked his own death then posed as his long lost uncle.


All the psycho clown stories.

SOMERSET = Jingles the clown haunts Andrea late at night and poisons her egg nog.

ANOTHER WORLD = Alma dresses up as a raggedy ann doll to torture and haunt Blaine.

ALL MY CHILDREN = Erica's long lost father Eric Kane is a knife-throwing clown.

GUIDING LIGHT = Roger disguises himself as a clown to kidnap his daughter, but winds up kidnapping and raping Rita Bauer. He chased her thru the hall of mirrors at the carnival with Barbra Streisand & Donna Summer's disco hit "Enoough Is Enough" blaring in the background.

THE EDGE OF NIGHT = the clown puppet murders.


What little I watched of Edge of Night was that clown puppet murders, back in the early 80s, wasn't it? The housekeeper or whatever she was was doing it.

She told everything to Raven Scott and shot her, but the gun had blanks in it and the lady fainted from believing she was being shot, correct? Is this the storyline.

It was actually very good as she was trying to escape one murder and was standing in the elevator and someone saw her, so she had to act like she was arriving and became a victim herself or something, let them think she had been attacked.

It was very intense, especially when she opened that door and there stood Raven Scott, very much alive. Quite a shocker.


gideonj34: "I used to watch EDGE OF NIGHT, but I don't remember this story at all."

I believe Elliot Dorn was a victim. The housekeeper lady shot Raven, but the gun had blanks, but she fainted from thinking she had been shot, then the housekeeper went after April, a blonde. Raven ended up coming to her rescue.

She had April in the basement and went upstairs and opened the door and all we saw was Raven's face looking at her. She fell back down the stairs.

Later, Derek Mallory told Raven he had put blanks in the gun to keep her from hurting herself. She wasn't happy to hear that.

I want to say was Bryan Cranston a victim here as well?

I remember the Elliot Dorn stab as they kept showing it in the premieres.
