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Who else loves Deadliest Catch on Discovery?

I think this counts as reality tv, albeit documentary style. Anyway, I'm obsessed with Capt. Andy on the Time Bandit boat. Loved the book too.

Any thoughts on the show?



Howdy rhps2000 !!!

You know I dig on this show also. Yes, it does fall under the reality banner, but in the "Cops" and " Intervention" way. Not in the " Big Brother" and " Survivor" way (though I've always thought of "The Amazing Race" as a good reality show and not an bickering, backstabbing whine fest).

Back to Deadliest Catch. This and Dirty Jobs are the only shows that I watch relgiously on TV when they are on. Survivorman is another one of my top shows, but it is on so sporadic it's hard to find it.

Did you happen to watch "Lobstermen" when that was on? Pretty sad, in my opinion.

"Playin' it cool ."


Hey, my awesome book friend! :-)

I couldn't get into Lobstermen either. Do like Cash Cab, but that's another show altogether.


I can't believe Capt. Phil is coming to Amarillo. I moved from there over a year ago. Nuts. He's a Harley enthusiast and motorcycle and car show people love cruising historic Route 66 through there.



Cash Cab is pretty entertaining and orginal. Actually, I'm pretty sold on most of Discovery. Give me the remote and turn to Discovery and I'm happy for the rest of the day (though Mythbusters gets silly with their ideas, Jaws is a movie, of course it doesn't really work. And Smashlab is pointless. Why do I need rockets on a semi?)

How do you find out about where the Deadliest Catch guys are making apperances? Not that I would take much time to see them, but interested.

"Playin' it cool ."


They're my friends ... on myspace. (Nerd alert!) Ha ha! :-) - if you're curious

I found out about Capt. Phil when he posted a bulletin to all his friends on myspace.

And they'll post appearances on their blogs or on their own websites too.

Also ...

This is a good one too!



" - if you're curious" Curiosity got to me . The music scared the poo outta me. For some reason the volume on the computer was pretty high ( I think my wife was playing a game... and rather loudly at that). Yeah... myspace... haven't gotten into that. Feel weird about posting my life for people to see. It's just weird you knowing all the personal info you know about me (my real name and address, but you know) and never of actually meeting you. It's should be obviuos that I am just getting into the whole meeting people on the internet schtick. I'm 34 going on 87.

I'll check out those sites and see if they are going to be here. Again may never go see them, but just might too.

Have you seen (topic change) "Ice Road Truckers" ? And what do you think ? We just finished the first season, but will hold off my critique until later.

"Playin' it cool ."


Well, myspace can be as personalized as you make it. Anyway, a buyer will have your name and address from Ebay too if you had sold me the book there. Of course, Ebay has its own (protection) rules. Sorry about the music, though! You must think I'm a total RHPS nut. And you'd be right. Ha ha! :-)

The deadliest reports site is a good one to check out for info on all the fave boats and crews. Better than going to each and every one, I guess.

I used to have the Deadliest Catch spoof ... Deadliest Batch on my page a while back. Have you seen it? Funny.

I haven't seen enough Ice Road Truckers to see if I really like it. I shall have to check it out, though.



Hey, sullylou42! Are you watching or did you see this?!!! America's Toughest Job (crab fishing) on NBC. It's some kind of competition/elimination reality show where the contestants try a different (deadliest) job in the world every week.

These are very annoying people. Now they are trying to bite the heads off fish like Edgar on the Northwestern and one girl says she's allergic. Oh, brother!

This is ridiculous. One of the boats was actually on the first season of Deadliest Catch (Fierce Allegiance). I hope they got paid a lot to deal with these people.



Oh WOW !! I didn't know there was a show like this. It sounds really awful. So, if these people are doing the deadliest jobs ever, do they really die or do they make it "safe and happy" for these jokers? And is the winner, the survivor? Sweet sweet baby Jesus. Things like this is when I turn in to an old black woman. I look up, purse my lips, shake my head and say " Take me now, Lord. Take me now."

I thought Hell's Kitchen was bad, but this is .... Hey, why don't I hire a bunch of camera people and see how many people want to try and do my job for $1,000,000. I'm sure I can find 12 to 13 morons that just need to be on TV.

"Playin' it cool ."
