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Hell's Kitchen

So, the last challenge before the big two was last night.

Who is your favourite? Do you think the two best were chosen as the finalists? Who were you sad to see leave?

I've been a Pettroza (sp) fan since the beginning. He's always been level headed and always did his thing...slob, yes, but if you constantly turn out good food, you can have some one clean up after you.

I think the final two are the two I had expected to be at the end.

"Each of us contemptible, we're criticized and cursed".


I agree with you, I have actually been a fan of both of them since the very beginning. Petrozza is awesome, and I cannot wait until the finale!! In my heart, Christina will always be as good as Petrozza and Petrozza will always be as good as Christina. So, either way, I'm happy.

Fear is the enemy of logic.-Frank Sinatra

R.I.P. George Carlin


I would say that she may go farther, in time, than Petrozza, but he's got the patience, I think, to walk into running his kitchen. I think the stress would get to her sooner...


I do like them both as well, but I'm leaning towards my boy Messy P.

"Each of us contemptible, we're criticized and cursed".


I was pulling for Cory. Obviously, overall imo she was the best, but she messed up bad on that muy important challenge. Now I suppose I'll root for Petroza. He's ruffled less feathers.

One baby to another says "I'm lucky I met you"


I can not believe Christine won.

My friends and I were not happy. Not one bit happy at all.


I would go out of my way to eat at a Petrozza restaurant...I would eat at a Christine one only if it was there and the options were limited.

"Each of us contemptible, we're criticized and cursed".


I am beginning to wonder if most of the reality shows are hoaxed. I find many people win, who, I would think should of not. Maybe, my judgement, IDK


I would say that some of them are favouring those that are more tvability, but I would think in something like Hell's Kitchen, if I were him, it would have to come down to overall everything, talent, taste, how I deal with that human...I mean he's got to put his name behind anyone whom he deems as the winner otherwise he'll end up looking like a schmuck.

but, you know, with the tv polling with people...that could always be altered some, but then again, the American public has such wide and crazy tastes that sometimes who needs to fudge it.

"Each of us contemptible, we're criticized and cursed".


In the 2nd Season I think keith's an a****** b/c he nominated Virginia twice to be eliminated, refuses to help her in the Kitchen, He backstabbed Garrett, he's been a total jerk! I'm so happy that he wasn't in the finals, he doesn't deserve to win. I don't understand why Viginia chose him to be on the her team in the finals. I didn't like Sara either b/c she's too cocky & bitchy. I feel for Virginia b/c she's been on a chopping block so many times. But I was happy that she got to be in the finals even though she wasn't the winner. I think Keith & Heather are so cruel to Virginia out of Jealousy b/c Virginia hasn't done anything to them. I think Virginia deserves to win instead of Heather.


Sadly, I haven't seen the first or second season (and when I last checked I think they weren't on netflix yet). I would totally go back and watch those. I only got into it a couple of years ago and have been completely addicted since.

"Each of us contemptible, we're criticized and cursed".
