MovieChat Forums > Reality TV > The Real World IMDb

The Real World IMDb

This is something that has never been done. We are about to embark on a mission that will bring seven strangers together and have them comingle for three months.

This has never been done before on IMDb and I am looking for seven individuals who would like to partake in the biggest social experiment that we have seen here on IMDb.

This first season will be extremely experimental and I am looking for seven, diverse people who would like to participate in the first ever The Real World IMDb season.

The only requirement to this would be that for one hour, four times a week, the seven of you will get together on a forum and communicate with one another about anything you want to.

You will also be required to take part in a weekly confessional.

After the three months are over, I will release your lives together into "episodes" and display them for the general public to read.

So, if you would like to participate in the experience of a lifetime please fill out the section below and submit it to me via Private Message.

Thank you and good luck.

Marital Status:

Please state any interesting qualities you might possess (likes, dislikes, religous values, sexual orientation, anything that would make you stand out)

Explain why you want to be apart of this experience.

Be as detailed as you can.

Thank you for your time.
