MovieChat Forums > Reality TV > Survivor--for REAL

Survivor--for REAL

Hello everyone, my name is Nathan Martinez, and I would like to gauge the public's interest in a project I am working on.

I will be conducting a groundbreaking experiment in human adaptability and endurance, documenting the odyssey of an attempt by a group of modern people to recreate the conditions experienced by the earliest humans.

For one year, a group of volunteers will do something that has not been attempted with success before: live ENTIRELY by hunting and gathering wild foods using only early Paleolithic technology or less. The project will be documented in detail by small cameras mounted on the participants--the ultimate reality show! In addition to creating a documentary, a nutritional study will be conducted to analyze caloric intake and expenditure and discover seasonal fluctuations.

Promotional Extract:
Could you live like your "stone-age" ancestors did? Not just for a few days or weeks, but for a year, for a lifetime? Not just barely escaping death, but truly thriving? For years many people have asked this question--We want to find the answer.

Join us as we challenge the limits of our endurance in the ultimate test of survival

water, food, clothing, shelter and tools not provide
--Just your will to survive.

*Gain unique insight through personally experiencing the physical, social and emotional reality of daily living within a small foraging band.

*Raise young people's awareness of foraging cultures and bring international attention to the plight of modern-day subsistence hunters and gatherers.

For more information, please visit Walking On The Land:



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Why not just film people that still live like that? You know, the ones that are on the NatGeo documentaries?
