MovieChat Forums > Reality TV > Rob Kardashion Knock Down...

Rob Kardashion Knock Down...

I admit I like most reality shows,(sorry) But watching this episode hit a real nerve in me.My husband is/was a boxer.It is a great sport & takes alot of commitment & training.People think they can just go in a ring & go for the knock-out.This was for charity not a deathmatch.No big prize @ the end or recognition,only money for a great cause.Sad thing is this man went in there for blood & 5 minutes of so called fame.The place where the fight took place should be ashamed of themselves.In a legit fight,when a facemask comes off,the ref is suppose to stop the fight.It happened twice & nothing.If a fighter falls or is knocked to ground,& the other fighter continues to hit them, it's automatic disqualification.It was BS,served hot.Cannot blame family for getting upset.
On a last note,the guy is a chump.Let me hit you with 8 pound gloves & see how fast you fall.Remember he had a face mask,Rob had nothing protecting him.How can a pompous,arrogant idiot like him claim he wants to help w/charity when all he wanted was to hurt this guy.Hopefully in the future he just donates money from the heart not for the notariaty....
