MovieChat Forums > Reality TV > I've never seen so many reality spin off...

I've never seen so many reality spin off shows.

The other day I turned on the TV to see what was on and during commericals someone was advertising they have a TV show coming off a spin off of a reality show they were on and then someone else on another channel was annoncing a spin off of a reality show coming out. I couldn't take it I turned the TV off. I'll just be glad when reality shows come to an end.


I know!! They just won't die! I mean it isn't enough that we have to get 15 seasons of Storage Wars or something...just when we thought the dumb show was dead, we have to get 15 more seasons of a spin off. Ugh. How can anyone stand this?

Not only that but they're basically all the same show if you think about it. Pawn Stars, American Pickers, Swamp People/Loggers, Ax Men, Ice Road truckers...can you tell me the difference between any of these shows? I personally don't see any difference except for that fact that one takes place in a pawn shop and the other in some swamp. It's the same drama, same storylines, same concepts, and same annoying characters.

I've been waiting for reality tv shows to end for like 11 years....they just won't die! The problem is that unlike real tv shows, they don't have a story arc therefore there is no ending...

Also, reality "stars" aren't real stars in a sense that they aren't making any demands, aren't trying to further their career or try different things like real actors. They just want money and fame! So they're never going to quit doing Redneck Swamp People as long as even one person is watching. They're so cheap to make that production companies will play these shows even if only 100 people on earth. watched them.

What's sad is that even the weather channel has started playing reality's disgusting!


Thanks for replying and everything you said is so true. I don't see the difference in any of these spinoff and those reality shows you mentioned I don't see the difference in them either.

What gets me is when the media be calling these reality "actress/actors" celebrities. To me they aren't considered celebrity you have to work up to that status. Martin Lawrence, Eddie Murphy, Adam Sandler, Vin Diesel, The Rock, etc. those are celebrities. Those Real Housewives shows I'm like who cares about some show about housewives my mom she was a house wife and a real good one cooking, cleaning, take care of me and my younger 2 siblings back in the 80's and 90's while my dad would work. No house wife I know of in the average world is all high class, constantly in designer dresses, driving a benz or whatever.

What reality show can the weather channel


Thanks for replying and everything you said is so true. I don't see the difference in any of these spinoff and those reality shows you mentioned I don't see the difference in them either.

What gets me is when the media be calling these reality "actress/actors" celebrities. To me they aren't considered celebrity you have to work up to that status. Martin Lawrence, Eddie Murphy, Adam Sandler, Vin Diesel, The Rock, etc. those are celebrities. Those Real Housewives shows I'm like who cares about some show about housewives my mom she was a house wife and a real good one cooking, cleaning, take care of me and my younger 2 siblings back in the 80's and 90's while my dad would work. No house wife I know of in the average world is all high class, constantly in designer dresses, driving a benz or whatever.

Exactly! A celebrity is someone who is a household name. None of these reality actors are household names. I can't think of one. People may name some rare exceptions like Kardashian and Snooki, but I never had any clue who these people were until someone explained it to me.

Yeah it's almost insulting to actual people who are housewives or people who are fishermen, antique dealers etc...My mom worked but she still did a lot of the stuff most housewives do, poor women still wears clothes she owned from the 1980s! Most housewives I know are broken women hanging on by a thread miraculously keeping everything in the household together. They're not richy whiny sugar daddies who do nothing but create drama and go shopping. Those were the popular bitches I went to high school with!

What reality show can the weather channel

I've noticed they've been playing a lot of things like Storm Stories and How weather changed history, which aren't technically reality shows but they are in documentary format. Sadly this occurs when some of the sam whether they're talking about is happening outside of my window! I can't even check the radar anymore.

It's gotten to the point where I can't even watch anything in a documentary format, even mocumentary is hard to take.


Felix I'm glad you agree with me. I don't know how I heard of Kardashian I think I was just flipping through the channel and came across their show. My great aunt heard of them because she subscribe to the People magazine (mostly for crossword puzzle) and so she learn about the celebs. I think she know more about their dad Robert Kardashian he was a famous lawyer or something. I never even heard of him.

I don't know how I heard about Snooki I think from the younger crowd at work and I've been hearing the name Jersey Shore.
