I member...

my first memorable encounter on this board*. It was with deathbypopculture and bkoganbing. I was insulting gays or the blacks or something and they stepped up to defend and insult me in the process.  We soon became friends. Well, death and i did...never really got cool with bkoganbing.

I member when Tomarmy sent a picture of his penis to TexasLilly, whatever her name was at that time. I want to say the pic was incredibly small and blurry, like bigfoot, but she was very upset regardless. She was also a bit of a drama queen.

I member when Chx made a passing insult toward Him's mother, whom had recently died or something. But then chx disappeared for the weekend and the entire board was in a complete uproar toward her for being so insensitive. Except myself and GI, who played with the idea that perhaps she didn't know Hims mother had died and if she did she may not have made that comment.

I member when Captain America and LandoC were supposed to meet behind some dumpster near a mall in philadelphia. The actual facts of the situation im not sure of because i filled the blanks in in my head to make some christmas parodies over the years. So what was real and made up are blended together at this point.

I member Prawn Day.

I member the Rottentomatoes migration...and the Benevolent Dictators Mass Exodus...and the one week i was allowed on the Pitters Place.  I think Ive been kicked off the most boards out of the lot of us.

I member making emsby upset because i kept calling her 'angry and militant'.  I miss emsby.

I member Dennis the Pwny and Yeltensic and acureforgravity and guyzerrino and so so many other members and sometimes i wonder where they are now and what they are doing.

 I will member.

*This board, i mean dating back to the POTC board. Since we were forcibly herded over here by the admins there wasn't that much of a change between the two.


Do you member the healthy korean girl?


I don't member. 


She was regural here, shes korean but ws adapted by american if i member it right....

What about that skoro guy and the guy who shoed his pecker pic?


skoropad i member the name.

tomarmy was the pecker guy. i meantioned him in the op. unless there were more than one.


Do you member the healthy korean girl?
She was regural here, shes korean but ws adapted by american if i member it right....
You're thinking of xquizitdisaster.

And you know the sun's settin' fast
And just like they say nothing good ever lasts


 I member the name but not much else.

I also remember xevolutionist...but that was really early on in my days here.


Xquizit was friends with Tink (CherubRawk). I think they were on the Pit about the time you started. I was new then, too.

One time Tink got into a knockdowndragout fight with creamforyou2000 (black_mask_star) over a Dutch guy named Daruf.

Good times. 

And you know the sun's settin' fast
And just like they say nothing good ever lasts


Ah, i remember Tink. She was a cutie if i remember correctly. Back then all we had to go off of were the picture threads.

Daruf sounds familiar but i cannot recall anything about him.
