MovieChat Forums > Religion, Faith, and Spirituality > Best Predictions For The Next 40 Years

Best Predictions For The Next 40 Years

Everybody vote on what you believe is the best prediction for the next 40 years (or add your own to the list).

I am Judge! Jury! and Executioner!


Without looking

- Completely self driving cars
- Cancer virtually eliminated with early detection
- English becomes the near universal language (seriously, multiple languages are just a hindrance in an age of global communication) Native languages are preserved by only a few.
- Deep space capabilities result in discoveries of legitimately viable habitable planets. Advances in interstellar travel will have made for efficient travel within the solar system.
- Massive highly automated indoor farming make for record yields
- Artificial Intelligence will surpass human capabilities


None of those were in the list, however, you can add them on if you click on the link.

I am Judge! Jury! and Executioner!


- Completely self driving cars

Already have those.

- Cancer virtually eliminated with early detection

And give up on a cash cow like this? I don't think so.

- English becomes the near universal language (seriously, multiple languages are just a hindrance in an age of global communication) Native languages are preserved by only a few.

Sometimes I forget how young you are. The internet gave english a boost that is already dissipating.

- Deep space capabilities result in discoveries of legitimately viable habitable planets.

Don't underestimate current telescopes. Nothing found yet.

Advances in interstellar travel will have made for efficient travel within the solar system.

Nope. How do you avoid obstacles in space at a high rate of speed.

- Massive highly automated indoor farming make for record yields

Indoor? Why, with the abundant energy source we already have outdoors.

- Artificial Intelligence will surpass human capabilities

Given the honors level study that I did in AI my fourth year, you would be wrong again. The bridge between decision algorithms and pure thought is simply just unachievable.

The Lord hides his gifts in plain sight


- English becomes the near universal language (seriously, multiple languages are just a hindrance in an age of global communication) Native languages are preserved by only a few.
American arrogance.

- Artificial Intelligence will surpass human capabilities

All lined up - get your ducks in a row.


Already have those
I'm referring to mass production smart guy, but here, I'll spell it out for you

Sometimes I forget how young you are. The internet gave english a boost that is already dissipating.
Sometimes I forget you don't know most of India and other countries are already learning it in much higher numbers as a way of communicating with Europe and the Americas.

Nothing found yet.
Well damn, let's give up

Nope. How do you avoid obstacles in space at a high rate of speed.
Once again, let's give up now, great idea

Indoor? Why, with the abundant energy source we already have outdoors.
Because I'm sure you've heard of windows. Also controlled environments.
It's like you didn't think about anything you wrote in this entire post.

Given the honors level study that I did in AI my fourth year, you would be wrong again. The bridge between decision algorithms and pure thought is simply just unachievable.
"unachievable" lolololol,,,, go talk to Stephen Hawking Mr honors student.


I'm referring to mass production smart guy, but here, I'll spell it out for you

A lack of information on your part is no excuse.

Sometimes I forget you don't know most of India and other countries are already learning it in much higher numbers as a way of communicating with Europe and the Americas.

Yea cause all bilingual peeps is english and something else.

Well damn, let's give up

Do a little research, you know that thing you dislike and see how far out we have been able to view through a telescope at this point in time.

Once again, let's give up now, great idea

Ignoring constraints don't solve em.

Because I'm sure you've heard of windows. Also controlled environments.
It's like you didn't think about anything you wrote in this entire post.

Well that is why I get my grapes from Chile these days rather than from the local fruit stand.

"unachievable" lolololol,,,, go talk to Stephen Hawking Mr honors student.

Ok we can talk about those aliens coming . But don't interact with them!!!! Or perhaps his long list of unproven, and disproved theories.

The Lord hides his gifts in plain sight


You're just arguing, not really making any points.

This is pretty pointless. Night


American arrogance.
Just being realistic. As world communication increases, individual languages become obsolete. A global language is clearly preferable and the only real options are English and Spanish as they already cover large portions of the globe. It's simply the most efficient to teach everybody one as their growing up now and in two generations the entire planet would have a unified language.

It's practical, not arrogant.

Well it's learning capability, storage capacity, and recall will exceed ours exponentially.

What were you laughing at?
