Final Words

If there's anything we have left to say about this place, and to each other, now is the time.

For the most part I have enjoyed my time here on the boards; I've made acquaintances and friends, and lost a few along the way. The IMDb message boards have been instrumental in assisting me polish how I express myself. Here I've learned to practice and exercise self-discipline in how I treat others and how I receive what they say to me; to learn new things and read other points of view; and lastly, the boards have been a tool for self-examination, to refine and more clearly define for myself what I believe and why I believe it; what's supportable and what's not. I think that, with the good and even the bad, overall it has been a positive experience. I would like to thank everyone who has taken the time to interact with me here; I hope at least some have found me helpful. It's all I ever wanted to be.

I would like to single out for recognition some friends I've gained here:
Chx_Everlasting who, though she has left the IMDb, remains a close friend; and
Mithrandir-Olorin33, formerly JaredThaJa, a one-time Duelist* become friend. I count myself fortunate that he made me his chosen opponent here so many years ago.
aaahmemories, formerly worov, with whom I shall continue to talk after this place is gone.


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 Now get outta here, Loser.


Oh, the final words aren't just for me, but for everyone here to share what they would like to say to one another, good or bad.

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Truly, cheers. 

I plan on doing something similar i just havent had time to collect my thoughts yet.

Its hard to say goodbye. 


I'm grateful to have had so many years to discuss various issues and themes; for the things I've learned; and for the friends I've made along the way. The end of an era. I will miss it - and them.


^ I don't think I can better bastasch's comment. 

Rabbit: It's rare that stupid doesn't bring douchedom with it.


Do me a favor, bastasch - give Robert M. Price, Richard Carrier, and Dennis MacDonald a fair reading. 

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You've been a veritable horn of plenty, truly.

I've been around for thirteen years. Will miss these haunts.


I would like to ; add - to my worthless drivel to sound educumated 
