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Does sadomasochism/BDSM fall in line with Biblical morality?

You're standing on my neck


As long as its between two consenting adults.



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How do you figure that?

You're standing on my neck


How do you figure that?
Because Biblical morality says that sex should be restricted to people who are married to one another.
BDSM very seldom (if ever) features in a healthy marriage.
1 Corinthians 13:4-7 ESV /

Love is patient and kind; love does not envy or boast; it is not arrogant or rude. It does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful; it does not rejoice at wrongdoing, but rejoices with the truth. Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.

BDSM is not really compatible with love.

All lined up - get your ducks in a row.


S&M doesn't necessarily involve sex.

"BDSM is not really compatible with love."

That wasn't my question, read again.

You're standing on my neck


That wasn't my question, read again.
I answered your question.
Another thing I could say is that BDSM is exploitative. Exploiting people is not Biblical.

All lined up - get your ducks in a row.


"I answered your question."

You really didn't, you cited a scripture that had nothing to do with S&M and decided to clumsily shoehorn it on to the issue.

"Another thing I could say is that BDSM is exploitative"

Two consenting adults is exploitative?

"Exploiting people is not Biblical."

Slavery and threatening people with eternal damnation isn't exploitative? You have a very odd definition of exploitation.

You're standing on my neck


You really didn't, you cited a scripture that had nothing to do with S&M and decided to clumsily shoehorn it on to the issue.
It's a Scripture about relationships. So it's relevant. (Commercial relationships are outside of Biblical morality)

Two consenting adults is exploitative?
Why would anyone in their right mind consent to S & M? Thetefore "consent" to be beaten in invalid because of mental incapacity.

Slavery and threatening people with eternal damnation isn't exploitative?
As you anti-theists have all been told, the Bible doesn't condone slavery.

Damnation is like gravity, it simply is. The Bible tells you how to avoid it. Consider the Bible as a kind Cavorite.
In the first use, the metal acted as a gravity shield; after the metal was cooled, objects contained within it were no longer subject to gravity

All lined up - get your ducks in a row.
