Useful movie apps

There is similar post with useful programs/software. Even it says "computers and software" I'd like to discuss here some useful apps for android platform.

The best app for watching movies if you want to spend some money is probably Netflix. There is not much to say I guess, we all know this "service" well. You can either love it or hate it I think, nothing between. I'm not going to talk more about apps for watching movies because I never tried other one than this.

The best app for guide / track / lists movies is obviously next giant IMDb.

I recently found smaller version of IMDb called MovieMania. It look pretty nice and I could find there all movie information I needed so far. Even it does not have TV Shows yet (they say it will be available in future releases) I will give them a chance.

Next app I like is Showly. It does pretty much the same as MovieMania but also have TV Shows and you can also sync your account with Trakt (even I never used it).

And the last app I have tried is TV Time. It is the biggest / longest on the app store so it is probably has the most features apart of IMDb. You can even rate and comment movies / TV Shows you watched.

So, in my experience the best app if you are not big fan of TV Shows (like I'm not) and want to give a chance to a smaller app is:
MovieMania -

Otherwise I recommend:
TV Time -

And for watching movies I never used other app then Netflix, so I have nothing else to recommend.
