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Protect LCD monitor from cold Suggestions

I've got a room at the back of my house that I work from during the day. The room is insulated, but not heated. In the winter the temperature outside can reach minus 40 celsius (Canada). I've got a 24" LCD monitor in the room.

When it's bellow 10c I run a small heater in the room during the day when I'm working, but not at night. I'm concerned that with the extreme cold it will damage the monitor overnight, and looking for a way to prevent that.

The way I see it I have 3 options...
Bring the monitor inside every night....kind of a pain in the ass to do this everyday.

Heat the room 24/7 electricity rates are pretty high, so that would be costly to heat a whole room just to keep the monitor warm.

I could use a Smart Things temperature sensor and a smart plug, and plug an electric blanket into the smart plug and wrap the blanket around the monitor every night. Set it up so that whenever the temp drops below zero to turn on the electric blanket maybe?

Does anyone have any other suggestions?
