MovieChat Forums > Automobiles and Transportation > OT: I'm suprised there aren't more posts

OT: I'm suprised there aren't more posts

I don't have a car related one yet, BUT I was wondering when did drivers become too nice?

Isn't the purpose of the driving manual so you can keep the flowing of traffic going?
I mean for example like at a 4 way intersection, where there are stop signs, isn't the first driver their supposed to be the first driver to go? Not getting into a "light fight", I mean just go if you were there first or before me.

Another is when 2 drivers on opposing sides have a green light but the one going straight insists on letting the one go left go first. WTF is up with that?

The only exception to this are the big rigs who need all the space they can get so you should probably go.

We be the ones that make you beat your wife and hate your life - "Supreme Hustle" Ice Cube


It does bother me when people don't know how to go through a 4 way stop. Waving someone through when it isn't their turn is not helping anybody. It just slows the whole flow down.

So the old lady's gonna m-m-m-meet with an accident eh K-K-K-K-Ken?


Another is when 2 drivers on opposing sides have a green light but the one going straight insists on letting the one go left go first. WTF is up with that?

I don't know where you guys live but here in Germany people are warned that sometimes drivers wave you through and then accelerate. Later they claim you took their right of way. So you are the one who caused the accident, and they get their old car paid for by your insurance.


That's just wrong.

So the old lady's gonna m-m-m-meet with an accident eh K-K-K-K-Ken?


I'd venture to guess that these days a fair number of people will use every stop sign as an excuse to check their phones, make a few texts etc. before finally moving on. The bad news is that it's still illegal to shoot them.


Where I live, we don't have a stop sign problem. Everyone just rolls through.
Once I saw two drivers roll through at the same time and I'm sure you can guess the results.
Problem is, neither of them probably learned anything from that experience.


Seriously.... some people are too stupid to drive in cars.

I've had multiple times where people would have just bumped in the side of my train, just because they weren't looking... A big blow from the Horn wakes them up most of the times.


In the US cars will swoop in front of you on the highway and slam on their breaks. Because if you hit them in the rear it is automatically adjudicated to be your fault. Also pedestrians in cities jump in front of moving cars. How pathetic is that?

Ive lived upon the edge of chance for 20 years or more...
Del Rios Song
