MovieChat Forums > Box Office > War of the Planet of the Apes prediction...

War of the Planet of the Apes predictions.

Trailer is online now, thoughts?

It looks large in scope and the same director of Dawn is back (Matt Reeves) so thats a good sign.

I'm thinking,

88M OW
275M Domestic
850M WW


It also looks like exactly the same movie they made last time, just with some different weather, which may or may not be a good thing at the box office.

"Security - release the badgers."


It also looks like exactly the same movie they made last time

Indeed, very disappointed with how samey it looks. I understand that we can't jump straight from the last film to apes becoming the new civilisation, but give me one ape driving a tank, if I can't have an ape fighter squadron.

Shut it, Love Actually! Do you want me to hole punch your face?


You were all creaming your pants though everytime a marvel trailer gets released. Those films are even more carbon copies than this is.


You know what? You are absolutely right.

I often find myself smearing cream all over my pants when a marvel trailer is released, whatever about the trailer is meant to marvel.

Those films, the films in the marvel trailers, the trailers that marvel, well, those films are even more carbon copies than War of the Planet of the Apes is.

Thank you for stating it so beautifully, for all of us to see.

Shut it, Love Actually! Do you want me to hole punch your face?


What's the matter.


Exactly, brilliant. Most would question what the matter is. With the sort of exact brilliance we have come to expect from your work, it's not a question of what the matter is - what is the matter in question.

Beautiful. Genius.

Shut it, Love Actually! Do you want me to hole punch your face?


I get what you're saying but isn't that a common problem for all sequels (generally speaking)? Take Spider-Man Homecoming, it looks exactly like other MCU films, Suicide Squad looked almost the same as BvS, and BvS looked mostly like MoS, Guardians of the Galaxy 2 looks like a replica of the first (which I love) etc,etc. For me that is fine because when they drastically change something that works what is the point?

There are however exceptions to this rule for better or worse. Such as Skyfall compared to QoS, Rogue One compared to Episode 7,etc.


The problem is that it looks like exactly the same film, simply with Harrelson in the Gary Oldman role, and without a single memorable scene like the monkey see, monkey machine gun one from Dawn or new development to hang the trailer on. All of the previous Apes films moved the plot forward and expanded the world with varying degrees of ingenuity - and Dawn made a pretty big leap in time, plot and look from Rise despite not really taking the story that far - but this looks like the studio playing safe and rehashing the same story the way each of Greengrass's Bourne sequels tell exactly the same story with exactly the same beats each time (which both audiences and critics weren't too impressed with last time). And as with those, the changes seem purely cosmetic: a different villain fulfilling the same role, a different location (though it looks like most of it is set in the woods again) and a bit of snow. It just gives off a been there, done that reheated leftovers vibe that fails to offer the box-office holy grail for sequels of the same but different by offering the same but exactly the same.

Hopefully future trailers will hint at the film having at least something striking or unique about it, but this looks just so alike - albeit with much less striking imagery - that I can see it impacting the box-office. But considering it wasn't until Greengrass' third Bourne film that audiences started to drift away, if this is just a remake it could still coast it on the previous films reception, but the fourth film will be the one to pay for any disappointment.

"Security - release the badgers."
