MovieChat Forums > Box Office > Fox/Lucasfilm/Disney should re-release S...

Fox/Lucasfilm/Disney should re-release Star Wars: A New Hope...


Whether it is the completely original version, fully restored...the current 'special edition' or some sort of brand new 4K restoration that keeps the visual/cosmetic improvements but ditches the annoying 'creative changes'.....they should do it.

40th anniversary of the original film is coming up. You re-release that film in theaters, globally, in 3D even...give it a solid marketing push...and you're sure to more than make back your investment.

Coming off of the heels of Rogue One is actually perfect timing considering the end of that film.

Heck...they could even time re-release of Episode 4, 5, 6, and 7 to build up to Episode 8 in December.

If Star Wars has anything it is brand loyalty...and hot off the heels of Rogue One, celebrating the 40th anniversary of the original film, and maybe giving the fans a version of the film that doesn't have all of the added CGI creatures and Greedo shooting would turn out in droves.


I think there is a good chance it will be re-released. The Special Edition did $250 million worldwide and I reckon it would stand a very good chance of matching that in the run-up to Ep 8. The only scenario I can think of is that Disney/Lucasfilm may figure it might temper the appetite for Ep 8 if you release a ton of Star Wars films in the run-up to its release, but Fox own the first film outright so they can do what they want with it. Why pass up a golden opportunity for free money?

Another point of interest is that SE generated 30 million admissions domestically, and if a reissue repeated that feat it would take the admissions record from Gone with the Wind.


I thought I read that while Fox owns the rights to the movie, they cannot distribute/release it without Lucas and Disney approval, is that not accurate? Or is that Empire and Jedi that I'm thinking of?

I have seen ANH on TV recently, but perhaps that medium is different?


Fox owns A New Hope outright, Lucas has no say in ANYTHING Star Wars anymore, and Disney dont get to tell Fox what they can or cant do with A New Hope either, they own it with no conditions.

As far as Empire and Jedi, im of the understanding that Disney now owns them after acquiring Lucasfilm.

I can see a future where Fox and Disney set aside their differences to collaborate on a future Star Wars release as it will be beneficial to both parties, just as Sony and Marvel are working together on Spider-Man Homecoming. If Disney are prepared to allow Marvel to work with Sony, I see no reason why Disney would stop Lucasfilm and Fox working together "for the greater good".

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I believe Fox own the distribution rights to the pre-TFA films until 2020, at which point they will revert to Disney (with the exception of ANH of course).


I'll do my part to put it over the top!


If Disney is able to re-release A New Hope, you know they'll do everything in their power to do so, anything to take over Gone with the Wind. Disney is becoming incredibly greedy with Star Wars now that it's sickening, really.


They've released 2 movies in 2 the hell is that becoming incredibly greedy with a property they paid 4 billion dollars for? I don't understand the criticism whatsoever, especially given we live in a world where Marvel releases 2 or 3 films a year at a minimum.


The sad thing is is that the masses will follow like blind sheep.
