MovieChat Forums > Box Office > Might be better to move Planet of the Ap...

Might be better to move Planet of the Apes to early August

That slot is open now that Alien: Covenant moved to May 19. Given the sub par competition, it would likely do better as an August release than being released in July one week after Spider-Man and a week before Dunkirk. "Dawn" got a July release because July 2014 was phenomenally weak, but that doesn't look to be the case this time around.

"Black Lives Matter is the last socially acceptable hate group."-Milo Yiannopoulos


I think you're right, that august slot has proven to be quite strong and getting it closer to labor day can improve the legs regardless of the quality (ie suicide squad, TMNT).


Yeah. I have no idea why they're still sitting on that July 14 date. By now it should be clear that early August is a good release time.

"Black Lives Matter is the last socially acceptable hate group."-Milo Yiannopoulos


Yeah I agree. It would be better in August.

Are we going to sit back and do nothing while White America plans out how they are going to exterminate the gays?


Certainly not in November, which has Thor (also including roles for Hulk and Doctor Strange) and then Justice League (which could easily be the biggest of the five films).

Early August would be a good slot for someone, though Dawn of the Planet of the Apes outgrossed both Amazing Spider-Man 2 and Interstellar (plus Dunkirk will be a test of Nolan's drawing power, the better performing recent WW2 movies usually had budgets between $50-70 million and would not be profitable with a budget near Dunkirk's), so maybe Fox is thinking it will be the strong one of the bunch.


I'm guessing Sophie Slut just had a brain fart and typed the wrong month, since no one else mentioned November.

Skipping page long posts for over a year now.


Yeah, that's what happened.



What's the competition in August?

Godzilla for the Win!


Blazing Samurai, Emoji, Annabelle 2, Hitman's Bodyguard. Not exactly blockbuster material. It should wipe the floor with that competition.

"Black Lives Matter is the last socially acceptable hate group."-Milo Yiannopoulos
