MovieChat Forums > Biography > Lou Costello?

Lou Costello?

Come on - who doesn't wanna see a Lou Co
stello biopic?

Only who do you thin would play him?

Someone like Nathan Lane or Kevin James might be too obvious. And if course Abbott - someone like Enrico Colantoni maybe?


I never saw it, but back in the 1970s there was a Bud and Lou bio movie. Lou was played by Buddy Hackett.

Unclean beast! Get thee down! Be thou consumed by the fires that made thee!


Yeah but all that one did was make Lou look like an A-hole and Bud look like a stupid drunk.

I mean a real movie. Although they really did get the 2 perfect actors in Hackett and Korman (only why did they have to do "Who's on First"?)


Yeah but all that one did was make Lou look like an A-hole and Bud look like a stupid drunk.

I agree...I find it hard to believe that the extreme portraits painted of Bud and Lou in that TV movie were accurate.


Well, from what I've read Lou Costello was a jerk who was disliked by many of his show biz colleagues and Bud Abbott was an alcholic who's drinking destroyed the duo's partnership.


I think that Lou is unique - like many others in the comic trade. And there is no one who could give a performance of his kind.

This is probably true of all the great comic actors. I have seen Charles Rivel imitating Chaplin. Well, when he goes, runs, jumps, falls etc. it is indeed so that you will believe you are seeing Chaplin himself. But whenever there are close photos of his face and mimic, he looks more like me or anyone else than like Chaplin.


I have actually posted the following dialogue of Lou and Bud several times before, but some of us may not have seen it. It is quoted in the biography written by Lou’s youngest daughter (Chris Costello (1981): Lou’s On First).

BUD: Didn’t I see you at the race track yesterday?
LOU: Yeah, I was there. I like to bet on the nags.
BUD: (grabs him) Don’t talk like that about horses! Do you realize that I have one of the greatest mudders in the country?
LOU: What has your mother got to do with horses?
BUD: My mudder is a horse.
LOU: What? I will admit there’s a resemblance.
BUD: Now stop that!
LOU: Is your mudder really a horse?
BUD: Of course. My mudder won the first race at Hialeah yesterday.
LOU: You oughta be ashamed of yourself, putting your mudder in a horse race.
BUD: What are you talking about? My mudder used to pull a milk wagon.
LOU: What some people won’t do for a living!
BUD: I take very good care of my mudder. If she don’t feel like running, I scratch my mudder.
LOU: Now ain’t that cozy! I suppose if you get an itch, your mudder scratches you.
BUD: You don’t follow me.
LOU: Not when you’re related to a bunch of horses, I don’t. I won’t even speak to you.
BUD: Will you make sense? I said I’ve got a fine horse and he’s a mudder.
LOU: (does a take) He’s a mudder! How can he be a mudder?
BUD: Because he makes a better mudder than a she. Now I can’t waste my time with you. I’ve got to go to the track and feed my mudder.
LOU: And what do you give the old lady for breakfast – oats?
BUD: Don’t be old-fashioned. Modern mudders don’t eat oats. They eat their fodder.
LOU: What did you say?
BUD: I said I feed my mudder his fodder.
LOU: What have you got – a bunch of cannibals?


Yeh, him that plays the police chief in murder she wrote, not Tom Bosley, the other one, he looks a bit like Steven Segal too.
