MovieChat Forums > Biography > Whitney Houston Biopic

Whitney Houston Biopic

Who would play her?

Who would play bobby?


You don't think it's a little early to be thinking about a Whitney biopic? I bet at this point in her life, she wouldn't even allow it.


Well shes not that young and I want to see it made. But i would say make it without her consent, but if yu want any of her music in the film she would have to say yes. I would call it either "Its Not Right But its Ok" or "I Will Always Love You"

But anyway who would you cast?


The perfect irony would be to cast Thelma Houston.

Acussed here of being a 12YO or an 8YO, as if either of those were bad things!


your joking


If they ever do this, I would prefer that they cast an actual actress in the role who can act rather than a singer and dub in original Whitney recordings for the singing sequences like Jessica Lange in SWEET DREAMS or Angela Basset in WHAT'S LOVE GOT TO DO WITH IT?


Half the film she would be smoking crack.


Taking into account her relationship with Bobby, I would call it "Saving All My Love for You."


Syesha Mercado, who's in the last four on the current American Idol. She has the voice, the looks, the style, the presence; and with proper direction, I'm sure she could pull it off.
She might be more ready after Whitney Houston makes her comeback, and she, Shyesa, ages a little bit more.
