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Killing Pablo

Just watched a 2 hour special on pablo escobar. excellent! I also just read that Christian Bale and Javier Bardem (Escobar) will be taking the lead roles. Also Joe Carnahan (Smokin Aces) will direct. I'm sure many of you have heard this but its new news to me. Looks interesting... Just started the book! Any thoughts?

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I'm Quite Sure They Will Say So.


Blow was really good, but it did what many drug trafficing movies do. Glorify the fast cash, fancy clothes, big cars, etc. (i.e. The fast rise and tragic fall of the drug lord.)

If I were to make the Palbo movie, I would have a little of that, but focus mainly on how ruthless a person escobar was. I think that would be cool to watch. Not how much money he had at a given time, but more on the political and violent side of the man. I think when many people think of pablo escobar, they picture a man that was trafficing drugs to the u.s. among other countries... Period. They tend to forget or even know that he murdered many, many people, families, friends, politicians, etc. to maintain his empire. How he would let none of these things stop his business. I hope that is the route the director decides to go. What do u think?

Are You Like a Crazy Person?
I'm Quite Sure They Will Say So.


What I meant by political is, for exapmle, how he attained his own personal army for protection and political influence. How at one point, he gained so much "love" (or fear, as it is probably better put), that he ran for political office. How he threatened lawmakers and officials so harshly that they had no choice but to stand behind him.

He was so powerful at one time that he controlled the country of columbia more so than any appointed official. He made and enforced the country's laws one way or another. It is the politics he created that I'm talking about. It is fascinating to me that one man, along with an army of rebels he created, could for all intents and purposes, control a whole country using, obvious brute force, but politics as well. They made laws, and Escobar even negotiated the dynamics of his own prison cell. It was more like a resort!

True,it is done in the states as well. Officials are paid to turn away, politicians are bought, police are bribed handsomely, but nowhere near to the extent of Escobar's operation.

I read something like 7 out of the 10 people at the highest level of government in Columbia were being paid off by Escobar. He succeeded in assasinating two of the three that would not take the bribe, and the third left the country. So again what I meant by political, is how he basically was running the country as a non-appointed government official. Pretty interesting stuff. I want to see that part of the story! Does that make more sense?

Are You Like a Crazy Person?
I'm Quite Sure They Will Say So.
