
I remember a few years ago (8-10 years ago) there was a huge rumour going around (that must have been based on fact because everyone was reporting it) that Tom Cruise was going to be playing Harry Houdini in a movie.

Does anyone know what happened to that? If I remember correctly, I believe they were saying it was in production.

Can anyone post (dated) info on this?

Also what do people think about the idea? I think it would be a great story, he led a really interesting life (look it up).

As far as casting goes, Cruise is obviously too old now but who would you pick to play Houdini?

Finally do you think after movies like 'The Prestige' (which wwas excellent) and 'The Illusionist', people might be tired of 'magician' films?

I think it would be a good mix of biopic type drama and psychological thriller with a bit of fantasy (again read his life story).


Cruise would have been all wrong for the part. Houdini was a short Jew with wiry hair and an incredibly muscled body (because of the nature of his work). His intensely hypnotic eyes would send Bela Lugosi running in panic.

It's been years since I've read his biography, but he was a volatile crusader against his enemies and detractors, and he had a volcanic temper when it came to defending his work and debunking fake spiritualists.

I honestly don't know anyone who could adequately portray him on screen today. Tony Curtis played him in a film bio in 1953. Good movie and the young Curtis is cinematically gorgeous, but he "warn't Houdini."

Best bet would be an unknown. I hope they can work it out because I would really like to see a good bio of this amazing individual.


Joaquin Phoenix could play Houdini, then get obsessed with "Illusion" and quit acting to become an escape artist


They had a tv movie of his life back in either the late 70's with Paul Michael Glaser that I remember watching...

"I am a donut" (Eddie Izzard as JFK in Berlin)


They had a tv movie of his life back in either the late 70's with Paul Michael Glaser that I remember watching...

"I am a donut" (Eddie Izzard as JFK in Berlin)
