MovieChat Forums > Biography > How About a Bio of Stephen Hawking?

How About a Bio of Stephen Hawking?

Hawking has had such a remarkable life, both tragic and inspiring; any actor who portrayed him well would be worthy of the Oscar, as was the case with Daniel Day-Lewis in MY LEFT FOOT.
Hawking intrigues me so much that I even had a dream about the Titanic in which he is one of the passengers. When it's his turn to board the lifeboat, the First Officer naturally has to make room for his wheelchair. When the other passengers see that, they protest at they not being allowed to bring personal items with them. The First Officer--recognising that there is no time to argue about why SH is given special consideration--allows everybody to bring things they can carry in their hands. I bring along a very beautiful MADONNA AND CHILD by Sassoferrato and the book MYSTIC CITY OF GOD by Mother Maria de Jesus de Agreda, a classic of 17th century mystic literature.
God is subtle, but He is not malicious. (Albert Einstein)
