MovieChat Forums > Biography > Miles Davis biopic

Miles Davis biopic

A while back I read a bunch of reports from various sources that a Miles Davis biopic was in the works, presumably with Don Cheadle headlining, but I haven't heard anything about it recently.

Anyone know anything about the status of this film? It hasn't been cancelled, has it?


Don Cheadle as Miles Davis? Sounds like a great idea.


Biopics about musicians are rarely good, if watchable. You generally have the predictable:

obligatory childhood trauma that explains everything
discovers his calling
works through hard times and self doubt
meets the important person in his life
becomes famous
deals with fame
gets back up to play again

Todd Haynes at least tried something original, even if not all of it worked. Miles Davis is too interesting for a traditional formulaic biopic.

"Sometimes you have to take the bull by the tail, and face the truth" - G. Marx
