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Frontline has been defeated

I've bought three packs of Frontline Plus in the past year for my cat. The first dose of this summer lasted all month. After applying the second dose, it seemed not to stick. She was still scratching two weeks later and then I saw two very calm, live fleas crawl by her ear. I was really angry to have to treat her again so early. This happened with the first pack, but I thought it was a fluke. I just made a mistake. It's really difficult to see past her dense undercoat. But now I wonder if it does work.

What are some effective alternative flea treatments that you would trust most? I've been considering Seresto collar as it kills existing fleas and repels others.

I have the Enforcer Home Spray with Nylar which I used in most of the house so far. I know if Ruthie's treatments don't work we'll have a re-infestation in no time.

(Some unsolicited advice: If you buy a house, don't keep the left-behind sofa, no matter how nice it looks. )


Huh. We always used Revolution because it also killed ear mites, and I had a boy with hematoma ears that would NOT let us anywhere near them. Since Revolution was a two-in-one, we used that and just used it on our other cat too to make things simple. Fun fact: at the time, Revolution was the same price as the others, and the vet said it wasn't developed to kill ear mites, that was just a side effect they noticed after using it. Now it's more expensive than the others because of its glorious ability to kill fleas AND ear mites, in spite of the fact that it wasn't even supposed to lol. Bastids.

Anyhoo there's some stuff in a purple can that we use in the house when we have to and it works like a charm-but we have to spray it and all leave the house for several hours because it can't be walked in while it's wet. I haven't had to use it since getting this pup though so I've no idea what we'd do with him if we had to! We'd just kick the cats outside for a while, until it dried and I vacuumed. I think it's Raid flea and tick killer if I recall correctly, and it doesn't spray like most sprayers, it comes straight out the top like a fogger and it's very easy to use. It's never let us down.

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Thanks so much for your suggestions. I was becoming overwhelmed with the prospect of endless flea outbreaks, considering how long the cocoons can lay dormant(a year or longer).

I've seen the Raid foggers in-store, but I thought they'd be too noxious. I might just quarantine the cat for a day and leave until it's finished.

Revolution worked well for my pup as I remember. It is hella expensive though. I looked it up along with Advocate spot-on and found a pet pharmacy selling them both about 40% less than vet clinic prices: [

Any more advice on home sprays and treatments would be appreciated.

Thanks again.
