MovieChat Forums > Food and Drink > Very serious question about the boards

Very serious question about the boards

Maybe someone from IMDB will read this and give us this option.

If yesterday instead of the message we got it would have said this:

IMPORTANT: The cost of running the message boards is going up. So to keep them open we are asking if most of you would be willing to pay $10 a month or $100 dollars for a year to help with the costs. We will keep an eye on all the boards and if most of you agree we will bill your account accordingly. So please in the next two weeks voice your opinion.
Thank you.

If that is what it said how would you have responded?

I will start. I would have said YES


IMDB is now owned by Amazon. Maybe they should have taken the approach of offering membership with a Prime account. That way, their Prime membership could have risen.

Either way, this is complete BS and I'm secretly hoping that this severely impacts the daily site hits. There are thousands of posters here that use these boards as a reference for many different things.

I am a leaf on the wind. Watch how I soar.


I would have said YES. This place has been my home away from home for 14 years and I would have gladly paid for the privilege of speaking with everyone here.

To do is to be - Socrates
To be is to do - Descartes
Do be do be - Sinatra 


 👍


I would've signed up.

No trees killed in the sending of this message, but many electrons were terribly inconvenienced.


IMDb has been owned by Amazon for many years now. In fact, when I joined in 2005, it was owned by Amazon even then.

That's how I discovered IMDb, in fact. I used to read & write reviews for products on, and kept seeing a mention of:
"Like this film? Discuss it with others on!"

So one day I clicked on the link, and the rest is history. 😀

I'd say this cloud is Cumulo Nimbus.
Didn't he discover America?
Penfold, shush.


I would have agreed. Even better if it could have been a part of Prime, since I'm already a member there. I hate change and this is all very upsetting to me.

~*~*~  ~*~*~


I'm secretly hoping that this severely impacts the daily site hits.

Don't hold your breath. Any impact to their site traffic would be minimal, if anything at all. Their site is widely used all over the world.


I would agree to pay $10 / month, but wouldn't pay the annual fee until I see that the boards are being monitored diligently.
