MovieChat Forums > Food and Drink > I will always think of you when I drink ...

I will always think of you when I drink almond milk MuggleFan


The next pot pie I eat will remind me of the Count.

Nutsberryfarm is obsessed with calzones, so I'll think of you when I dig into one. Anyway, we'll cross paths again over in "Bizarro World".

IcingOntheCake: A toast, when I eat more falafel.

AJ_June: Like me, you seem to be fond of Indian food. I will dedicate my next feast of butter chicken and naan bread to you!

Fiatlux and greekgirl, a smile will spread across my face when I order another 'Karate Chop Salad' from a local salad maker - it's chock-full of raw beets. 

Jodilyn, I hope your husband will fully recover soon. I regularly make stuffed bell peppers, so you can bet that I'll take a moment to reflect on how you hate prepping them, LOL.

Bubblegum_jenocide, no hard feelings as far as our impassioned discussion over in MG. I completely respect your side of it. Sorry if I came off like a dick. 

Sorry if I left out anyone. Know that it's only because I have to get back to work! Much love, my F&D brothers and sisters.


Great list!

I will think of rotomo whenever I watch the travel/food shows on PBS.

wickekittiesmom when I see a raccoon in the yard or see a kitty.

AJ_June when I think about different names for foods, like 'ladyfingers' for okra.

I'm sure I'll think of more.

~*~*~  ~*~*~


Great list!
Thanks. Oh and you, ms_sunshine - I will forever feel flattered that you invited me to a food festival in your town. If I had the chance, I'd gladly come and meet you and your lovely family.


I wish we ALL could meet sometime and have a real party!! 

~*~*~  ~*~*~


What a nice thing to say, it really means a lot to me. 

Like how a single word
Can make a heart open.
This is my fight song.


Speaking of almond milk, how can you tell when it goes bad? It says on the carton to use within seven days, but how much longer can you really use it? Does is sour like regular milk?

~*~*~  ~*~*~
