MovieChat Forums > Food and Drink > A Goz recipe

A Goz recipe

I have posted my recipe for delicious fried rice.

I am now posting it with an EVEN healthier slant bonding two cultures, Asian and Eastern European.

NB quantities are optional to balance for individual taste.


1 cup buckwheat boiled esp if in stock
chopped onion
chopped bacon or real ham
egg omelette chopped
chopped red and green capsicum
chopped green onions
frozen peas
tiny flowerettes of cauliflower and broccoli (par cooked)
Soy sauce
sweet chilli sauce.


Fry onions and capsicum and bacon/ham lightly in olive or sesame oil.

Add cooked buckwheat

Ad remaining ingredients stiring in between each addition, sending with soy and sweet chilli sauce.

Scrumptious. ( for Goz traditional fried rice use your choise of rice grain pre-boiled.)

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It looks like a good one. I could easily veganize it and keep the initial flavor.


Yeah, add some eggplant and zucchini and mushrooms.

These could also be good additions in the original version.

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That sounds good and tofu too.


Sorry, to a tofu fan...butt go for it!

Haloumi maybe though this is not a cheesy dish!

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*beep* off you stalking moron. We have put up with you for a decade and thank god it is nearly over! 

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