MovieChat Forums > Food and Drink > Does Anybody Know......

Does Anybody Know......

.....if IMDb'ers ever formed relationships outside of these boards, actually meeting in person ??? 



I've Skyped with one and spoke briefly on the phone with one, talked on the phone with another, and talk on the phone and skyped with another -- she's one of my best friends, in fact. We're on the phone almost every day. She was going to come up to visit, but somehow that didn't work out. So I've had relationships, just not actually meeting in person....yet.

When evil is viewed as good, righteousness is viewed as evil.


Two of my best friends are people I met on the LOTR boards 16 years ago. We realized that we lived close to each other, met, and became close friends. I have also met, and maintain a relationship with several others from that group plus a whole bunch I've never met in person but Facebook with every day. We have been through a lot of life experiences together!

And, sadly, I got to know and enjoy lunches with a friend from the Food and Drink board, Dopplequacker, who passed away. We had our favorite little cafe that was near shops and antiques stores where we could have lunch and then shop around. She was a very lovely and kind person.

"But look, the morn, in russet mantle clad, Walks o'er the dew of yon high eastward hill"
