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HealthIER substitutes for naughty food cravings

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Plain iced tea instead of sugary drinks - for some reason, it hits the spot.

Frozen mango chunks instead of ice cream

Cheese pizza with extra marinara sauce and red pepper flakes, instead of pepperoni

What's yours, FnD?


Sweet potatoes replacing white potatoes

Kombucha, or a fermented fizzy drink replacing soft drinks

Homemade milkshakes using maple syrup, vanilla, heavy cream and frozen fruits replacing a bowl of ice cream


I enjoy sweet potato fries with sandwiches, but when I have a burger it has to be with white potato fries. I also allow myself the occasional Coke with a burger.


I agree, Delta...I need regular fries with my gluttonous feasts like cheeseburgers or Philly cheesesteaks. Also, it's incredible how similar some organic drinks tastes to cokes/sodas. They have a brand that does a uncanny job mimicking popular brand name soda flavors:

I did say milkshakes, but you can also make home-made ice cream that is also nutritious, (I do not know how common ice cream makers are out there) Here is my go-to recipe:

3 egg yolks
3 cups heavy raw cream from grassfed cows.
1/2 cup Grade B maple syrup
1 TBL organic vanilla extract
1 TBL arrowroot powder

Health is your greatest wealth!


Pomegranate juice and club soda with a twist instead of pop or a cocktail.


A few squares of really good chocolate instead of [brownie, chocolate cake, any other chocolatey craving]

*Formerly Nothin_but_the_Rain*


I often use a 50 calorie corn tortilla or romaine leaf instead of bread.

Frozen grapes instead of ice cream.

Hummus/avocado instead of mayo.

Seltzer instead of soft drinks.

Air popped corn instead of microwaved.

Donald Trump is the weak man's vision of a strong man.


Big fan of frozen grapes too. I can't drink plain seltzer. They always have a weird plastic aftertaste. Maybe if I drank the ones that come in glass bottles.


I don't like mayo so i often use hummus as a spread in a sandwich.

I also don't like soda and stopped drinking it years ago when i discovered flavored seltzers.

I posted in another thread that i now use puree'd cauliflower in place of milk/cream to thicken a soup or stew and make it a faux chowder. It's honestly so good.

I also prefer plain nonfat greek yogurt in place of sour cream on a baked potato.

And since i don't care for cream cheese i will sometimes use puree'd nonfat cottage cheese on a bagel. I mix in a little honey and tastes just like cannoli filling.

Fraaaank. FRANK! Get my jean bin. Susie wants my jeans.
No she doesnt.
