MovieChat Forums > Politics > YOU'RE WEIRD


Ive never seen such an obvious display of MSM-marching orders. Trump being "weird" was never a thing until 5 min ago. You people are the weird ones.


To be fair, there are countless examples of the Mockingbird Media doing this same thing in the past. For example, and this is a non-political one, remember back in 2022, when everyone in the media during a single 24 hour period began chanting "Keeeeev!" after having pronounced it differently their entire lives?


Are you holding that up as a gay commie Libturd woke propaganda agenda thing ?

Or celebrating the end of mis pronouncing a place name and joining the locals in pronouncing it the correct way?


What I'm pointing out is that the talking heads have this weird propensity to wake up in the morning and begin using the exact same words in unison. That's not the sign of an independent media.

And for the record it's quite easy to find Ukrainians pronouncing Kiev the same way you and I did for our entire lives. The universal change to "KEEEEVVV!" was wholly manufactured and evidence that media types are very much susceptible to the kind of peer pressure that works on 14 year old girls.


That's because most of us didn't grow up knowing the difference between the Ukrainian and and Russian languages.


The MSM, like Joe Biden, is out of gas. They have nothing.

I don't consider myself normal....normal is weird. I'll also take weird over woke any day of the week. 🤣🤣🤣

The people on the left are just straight up FREAKS.


Yep, the people who think boys can be girls, girls can be boys, that trannies in dresses should be able to expose themselves to children and men should compete against women in sports think we're "weird". If this is the pink pussy hat mafia's idea of "weird", I'll take it.

I'd love to know the mechanism that has these lemmings all using the same words at the same time.


Social Media. Telling people how to think, one week at a time.


And they are way, way too dumb to realize it.


Makes me glad I never used it. I knew it was evil from the start, and that was when I was just finishing high school.


Because two-year-olds are running this show.



“This is one of the great tricks that I think the sexual revolution pulled on the American populace,” Vance said. “Which is this idea that like, well, OK, these marriages were fundamentally — you know, they were maybe even violent, but certainly they were unhappy. And so getting rid of them, and making it easier for people to shift spouses like they change their underwear, that’s going to make people happier in the long term.”

"making it easier for people to shift spouses like they change their underwear"

THAT's weird. He was skating close to making a salient point about commitments and sacrifices, and he just lost it.


Fucking a couch does seem kind of weird to me, but it is better than raping women (a la Donnie), so if it gets you off, go for it.


C💙lts gonna c💙lt.


This gorgeous woman has an epic take down of Tim and his "weird" nonsense...

