MovieChat Forums > Politics > KING Biden: "We finally beat Medicare." ...

KING Biden: "We finally beat Medicare." T-shirts now for sale...

WTF, Dementia Joe?

Trump will CRUSH this bumbling, fumbling, demented old buffoon in November, and Thank Goodness!

We did it! We finally beat Medicare!

Jill should be hit with felony charge - elderly abuse.

now they are selling t-shirts! lol


Everyone has a bad day once in a while.


yeah but at least Joe created 15,000 new jobs. thats great!


Greatest achievement of any president!


And at least he plans on making the thousands of trillionaires in this country pay their fair share.


yeah, thats a great idea. those millions of trillionaires should pay their fair share.


Even if he doesn’t raise taxes on the trillionaires, I’m just glad we have a president who is willing to beat Medicare.


I wholeheartedly agree. Medicare needs to be beat and stay down.


Well since Medicare isn’t tangible maybe Brandon wants to find people on Medicare and beat them?


I think so, he is going to beat up all those dog faced pony soldiers.


You think this was a bad day? How many times does he need to get lost on tv for you to realize he's in trouble? For months he's been stammering around, shuffling his feet, muttering nonsense, trying to sit in invisible chairs, staring off into space, etc.

One thing we all have in common is that we all have family and loved ones and at some point we have recognized this behavior in some of our elders. At the end of the day even the most powerful man in the world is just flesh and bone. He simply cannot continue and if you are an American who cares about the leadership of this country then you should pray that Biden drops out or is replaced. I'm sure you would vote for a corpse before Trump since, well you know.....Tribalism. But at the very least you should root for a respectable replacement to run against trump. But one thing is for certain, our current leader is not fit to lead for another 4 years. Don't be in denial, there's too much at stake


He told the truth there! Trump's response was priceless.


haha, that was hilarious. Trump, "I have no idea what you said." lol


"You did beat it, you beat the hell out of it".

I laughed my ass off.


This should have been enough to destroy Brandon’s campaign, I mean Rick Perry’s campaign imploded just because he said “ooops”.


dems are too brainwashed. they think everything they see on TV is right wing propaganda.


I can only imagine the staff at CNN & MSLSD, er, I mean, MSNBC burying their heads in shame for dragging this out that this man was in tip top shape, that he supposedly does circles around his Staff in meetings behind closed doors type of crap and now, Trump has exposed him and now they're on the defense with whatever they can get 😂


also thank you Joe for creating 15,000 new jobs, that was amazing.


That alone should guarantee him 4 more years!


Yes, he beat it to death.


He beat it so bad that Joe had to quit.


I won't celebrate until the election is over, Trump is declared the winner, and his phony criminal cases and convictions are thrown out.


if Trump actually wins. I will post my phone number so all the TDS inflicted can call me! lol

robocat better be the first caller. :)


Jowilli is praying that one day they will find a cure for mental retardation. Sorry, Jowilli, President Biden is a great man, but your intellectual disability is incurable.


“The disinfectant, where it knocks it out in a minute, and is there a way we can do something like that by injection inside, or almost a cleaning. As you see it gets in the lungs!”

LOL! Donnie missed his dementia meds that day!
