MovieChat Forums > Politics > No "equity" until married and single peo...

No "equity" until married and single people are taxed the same.

Let's keep it simple: there can be no "equity" if people are taxed differently based on their marital status. Politicians can promise everything they want, but there can be no level playing field when single people and married people with the same income have a different debt to pay to the government.


I'd settle for billionaires paying the same tax rate as the kid who bags my groceries at the supermarket.


It's how government keeps their dicks in the marriage business. Government types love control and will do what's needed to maintain it even tho there isn't a single reason to keep them there. So they need to maintain an artificial reason and that's the tax code.

If liberals were really liberal and conservatives really conservative not only would they demand fair taxes for singles/married peoples they'd also demand that government get their shit out of the marriage business instead of sucking the nuts of Big Brother for their "rights."


With corporations paying little to no taxes, massive loopholes for the rich, tax-free churches acquiring property and wealth, inheritance taxes basically eliminated--and the small difference in rates between singles and marrieds is what upsets you?
