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Ronald Reagan: ‘If Fascism Ever Comes to America, It Will Come in the Name of Liberalism’

stay vigilant...

Vote Trump. Vote America.

Russia and China also jail their political opponents.


How come we don't see this phenomenon in Europe, then? Despite us being more "liberal" than your own term of reference.

Can you name me a liberal-leaning political party that, when in power, implemented a fascist state?


"Can you name me a liberal-leaning political party that, when in power, implemented a fascist state?"

The US, right now.


And in what ways is the US fascist, right now?


The fact that you are clueless, requires no explanation.

|Keelai-WarrenPeace-Skavau------Hitler-----Mussolini----------The Left-------The Center-----------"Far Right"------------|


Ignoring the comedy of that political line, you think I'm genuinely worse than Hitler?

This is beyond absurd.


Worse, no. You're just like the horde of Germans who enabled Hitler to be the colossal asshole he became.


And who am I enabling exactly?


Stalin was left Hitler was right

Signed, million man.


It is called "The Big Lie".


The rules are very strict in Europe.


What rules would these be?


Gun rights, freedom of speech, recycling methods.


And you think those things combined equal fascism?

Whilst there are a few more expression restrictions in most European countries - you think it's so that it's fascism?


Fascism: a political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition.Mar 24, 2023

Exhalults race above the individual.
In America they have affirmative action which puts people in positions solely on race. Biden stated I am picking a black female. Those qualifications out weight the individual.

Central Gov headed by a dictator...Democrats and liberals are very dictator like.
Do as we say, you will be cancelled if you oppose.
Very tight freedoms of speech.

Social regimentation, Democrats and liberals are very good socialist. They take from the few willing to give and hand it out to the undeserving.

Suppression of opposition.
Never have we seen Democrats go after and cancel opposition so hard.
I think trump, 1st president brought charges upon him.
Democrats running on sayings like they will only work to take out trump.
Associates of Republicans heavily canceled.
IRS to investigate right leaning people.
Sounds aliitle like fascism


>In America they have affirmative action which puts people in positions solely on race. Biden stated I am picking a black female. Those qualifications out weight the individual.

That's an absurd interpretation of the term of reference there. Affirmative Action in the USA is very limited, and primarily a choice made by companies when used (as opposed to government directive). The US state is not declaring a race as a master race.

>Central Gov headed by a dictator...Democrats and liberals are very dictator like.
Do as we say, you will be cancelled if you oppose.
Very tight freedoms of speech.

What restrictions on your freedom of speech do you have?

Why haven't all the pundits, journalists and newscasters on Fox News and similar platforms been "cancelled" or arrested? Why haven't right-wing activists in the US been arrested or "cancelled"?

>Social regimentation, Democrats and liberals are very good socialist. They take from the few willing to give and hand it out to the undeserving.

You think the existence of a welfare state or a social safety net is fascism?

>Never have we seen Democrats go after and cancel opposition so hard.

Examples please. And Trump is not a credible one. It's his own shitty conduct.

>Associates of Republicans heavily canceled.

Specifics here please?

>IRS to investigate right leaning people.

This seems to be a 10 year old complaint, judging by a quick google. Are you referring to anything recent?


Affirmative action is an absurd interpretation?
Fascism puts race in front of the individual.
America is invested in diversity and look directly at race first and individual second when it comes to jobs, politics,, college admission.
Better and more qualified people are passed on in order to put race before individual. Race is more important then the more qualified.

Restrictions of freedom of speech...the moderation on the internet has stepped up 10 fold.
Social media has algorithms to surpress right leaning policy. Some websites are extremely strict...the FBI literally went to Twitter and told them do not post the hunter Biden story and ban those who do. That is also a way to suppress opposition.

Welfare and providing the basics is fine.
Free cell phones, debit cards with money put on every month for what ever they want goes beyond welfare. Welfare people are the fattest people around...its over kill the free stuff they get.

Tons and tons of people are being targeted.

The my pillow guy is being heavily canceled.
Imagine Republicans going after a black owned businessman because he questioned trump's elections results.

It's kind of scary you dont see the abuse of power by the left.
Historic 1st a president is indicted on what?? Hush money for a porno star?

Even historic 1st, IRS targeting people as they testify, FBI telling social media to suppress stories.
You just brush it off??


>Affirmative action is an absurd interpretation?

You tying it to fascism is. It's not a thing primarily done by the state.

It's also not the context in which fascism uses race.

>Restrictions of freedom of speech...the moderation on the internet has stepped up 10 fold.

And what does that have to do with the US government? These are private companies, or private individuals.

>Social media has algorithms to surpress right leaning policy. Some websites are extremely strict...

Algorithms constantly direct people to right-wing outlets all the time. This is literally nonsense.

>the FBI literally went to Twitter and told them do not post the hunter Biden story and ban those who do. That is also a way to suppress opposition.

This is Elon Musk talking out of his ass.

>Free cell phones, debit cards with money put on every month for what ever they want goes beyond welfare. Welfare people are the fattest people around...its over kill the free stuff they get.

And you think that's fascism? You think UBI is fascism?

>The my pillow guy is being heavily canceled.

He's being sued by another company for defamation. He's also a public figure who can make statements and they get reported by the media instantly. He has a massive public footprint.

>Imagine Republicans going after a black owned businessman because he questioned trump's elections results.

Democrats aren't going after him. A private company is.

>Historic 1st a president is indicted on what?? Hush money for a porno star?

I mean it's kinda laughable really. The party of family values.


The Democrat Party. They are arresting anyone that opposes their political power.


So why haven't they arrested and shut down Fox News, and many political online pundits?


They dont have to, they just say anything Fox news says is fake news and then cancel anyone that questions them. The Democrat Communist Party cancelled the Pillow guy and ruined his career.


So how come all the Fox News presenters, journalists, and pundits haven't all been cancelled then? Why hasn't the Daily Wire been cancelled? They all have huge viewer bases to the tune of millions.

How did the Democrats cancel the pillow guy, specifically?


They have all been cancelled. Just watch the news. The pillow guys company was ruined by the dems. All the information is on the internet.


If they've all been cancelled, why are they all on Twitter? Why are they on Facebook? How is it I can easily find out what all of them are saying with ease?

> The pillow guys company was ruined by the dems. All the information is on the internet.

No. Provide evidence please. The My Pillow guy being sued by Dominion is his own fucking fault. Nothing to do with the Democrats.


They are back on Twitter because Elon spent $44 billion to restore free speech.

So its wrong to say the election was stolen and hijacked?

Remember when Nancy said the 2016 election was hijacked? She also said that Trump was going to steal the 2020 election and then Joe said he would lose by chicanery. Hillary said not to concede under any circumstances.


>They are back on Twitter because Elon spent $44 billion to restore free speech.

I don't think many of them were ever banned full stop. Why weren't they banned? Why was Fox News never mass-banned from Youtube, Twitter, Facebook etc? You claim that anyone who objects to the Democrats gets "cancelled".

Can you really be said to be cancelled if everyone still knows what you say, and you're easy to find?

>So its wrong to say the election was stolen and hijacked?

Are you against defamation laws? He made specific allegations against a company, and is a well known figure. What in the fuck did he think might happen?

>Remember when Nancy said the 2016 election was hijacked? She also said that Trump was going to steal the 2020 election and then Joe said he would lose by chicanery. Hillary said not to concede under any circumstances.

What in the fuck does this have to do with anything?


Fox news can still do their thing but they cannot question the Biden election. It's never brought up.

Fox news was the 1st to state Bidens win. Newsmax and fox both read these werid pre written statements...we at fox believe the elections were fair blah blah blah.

Newsmax reporter tried to get producers to cut the feed when someone questioned the election
It was beyond weird.

And you act like they are being canceled quickly. It's a slow sneaky proces


>Fox news can still do their thing but they cannot question the Biden election. It's never brought up.

Dude, don't Fox News claim fraud **all the time**?

>Fox news was the 1st to state Bidens win. Newsmax and fox both read these werid pre written statements...we at fox believe the elections were fair blah blah blah.

And then:

Why hasn't the US government arrested notable people claiming election fraud? Why have actual members of congress been able to say it without being arrested?


No one’s going to jail.

When does sending $150billion in “hush money” payments to Ukraine get investigated?


It never will. The Clintons and Bidens are basically the Deep State and can do whatever they want.


The Clinton’s hush payments were more effective. Just kill those you want quieted. No worries of campaign violations with that. 150 and counting.


Why is Monica Lewinsky still breathing?


She got money from the Clintons and probably signed a NDA.


I thought you said it was easier to kill them.


I didn't say that.


Reagan was talking about economic policy. He wanted less regulation.


“You know, someone very profoundly once said many years ago that if fascism ever comes to America, it will come in the name of liberalism. And what is fascism? Fascism is private ownership, private enterprise, but total government control and regulation. Well, isn’t this the liberal philosophy? The conservative so-called is the one that says less government, get off my back, get out of my pocket, and let me have more control of my own destiny.”


Why should anyone be bound by the drivel of Ronald Reagan?

Should I quote some hot takes from Tony Blair or Angela Merkel now?


You wouldn't understand, its an American thing.


You know in Europe, Liberalism is associated with capitalism, right?

It's so weird for to see "liberalism" used to describe democratic socialism or even conflated with communism. That's just not its historical meaning. The Republicans in the US are economically liberal.


It's not only in Europe. The dingbat OP is confusing Liberalism with Liberal. Dummy Trump did the same a few years ago when a reporter asked him about Putin's comment about Liberalism being dead. Of course, Putin prefers Illiberalism.

Most Americans, especially Republicans, are just plain stupid. They ban books instead of reading them. Reagan would've been called a RINO by them like Cheney, McCain and Bush are.

Their confusion is the reason they don't understand that the Russia/Ukraine War is about Illiberalism vs Liberalism.


First of all, you're confusing Liberalism with Liberals. Liberalism is our form of government with rights and freedoms in speech, press, expression, religion, enterprise, fair voting as opposed to Illiberalism which would be Putin's Russia where there is no freedom and journalists, demonstrators, etc. are thrown in jail for opposing dictator Putin.

Second of all, Reagan was pro-rich and anti-regular folks. His policies were detrimental for regular folks because it raised our taxes in order to lower rich people's taxes which was the beginning of the wealth gap. His policies cut basic services and many regular folks lost their jobs like my mother until a few little kids in my locality died since her job was keeping kids safe.

Third of all, regulations keep regular folks safe from polluting and unsafe working conditions companies. Deregulation caused the 2007-8 mortgage & financial collapse, Flint's water crisis and possible train derailment.

You completely misinterpreted Reagan's quote. I'm going to assume you were born AFTER his administration. Even conservatives disliked him. When he was shot, Republicans in my area celebrated. Like I wrote, many regular folks suffered under him.


"Fascism is private ownership, private enterprise, but total government control and regulation."

No, that's not Fascism.

Fascism is a far-right, authoritarian, ultranationalist political ideology and movement, characterized by a dictatorial leader, centralized autocracy, militarism, forcible suppression of opposition, belief in a natural social hierarchy, subordination of individual interests for the perceived good of the nation and race, and strong regimentation of society and the economy.

"The conservative so-called is the one that says less government, get off my back, get out of my pocket, and let me have more control of my own destiny."

You mean the RINOs you MAGAts hate believed in less government. Your cult is all about government control which is the reason you ban books, ban entertainment, prevent healthcare for women, ban medication, arrest doctors and teachers if they don't follow your ideology, takeover private businesses (like Disney) if they don't follow your bigotry, threaten the lives of your own politicians if they don't worship your false idol (see Pence Jan. 6 lynching attempt), defund libraries for keeping books you don't like, dictate how parents should raise their own children and arrest them if they don't follow your ideology, etc..


Reagan speaks the truth.


First of all, Reagan spoke for the rich and large corporations. Not regular folks.

Second of all, he attempted to destroy Social Security and Medicare until senior citizens organized and fought back. His flippant reply to cutting Medicare was to say that old people should take better care of themselves.

Karma is a bitch because Reagan became senile from Alzheimers and died from it. God doesn't like ugly.

Third of all, his son said Reagan would oppose Trump and everything the present-day Republicans represent. You would be calling Reagan a RINO!


Truer words were never spoken. Reagan called it and here we are.


I'm with you Bubba! Trump 2024!!!


Reagan's son said his father would hate Trump and all he stood for.


[–] Keelai (25069) 2 days ago
First of all, Reagan spoke for the rich and large corporations. Not regular folks.

Second of all, he attempted to destroy Social Security and Medicare until senior citizens organized and fought back. His flippant reply to cutting Medicare was to say that old people should take better care of themselves.

Reagan's son said his father would hate Trump and all he stood for.

See what a contradicting troll you are? That is what you clowns accused Trump of doing. So Regan would hate everything about Trump but then are both accused of the same exact thing by you weirdos? LMFAOOO you're a troll fool idiot who can't remember their lies. Take trolling notes like Kowalski does.


Another ad hominem attack from you.

It's obvious that you don't know anything about Reagan nor his policies since you can't contradict anything I wrote.

"Ron Reagan says his father ‘would have been embarrassed and ashamed’ of Trump

"...Ronald Reagan's election-year effort to extend an olive branch after he was assailed by Democrats for trying to reduce Social Security benefits."


" Mr. Reagan's insistence, the entire bill was sent to the elderly, in the form of an extra monthly Medicare premium and a surtax for people over 65 with incomes above $35,000.

That tax, little noticed at the time, led to a well-organized protest campaign that ultimately buried members of Congress under an avalanche of angry mail. The revolt culminated last week in a House vote to repeal the measure and a Senate vote to slash the benefits and eliminate the surtax."

You're cheering Reagan, but don't know a damn thing about him! He's the reason that the working-class poor pay more in taxes than billionaires, you dolt!


Again you prove how dense you are. If I know nothing about Regan then you know nothing about Regan. All I did was quote your exact words about Regan. So if I'm repeating your comments and you're saying I'm wrong then that makes you foolish because they are your words.



You know zip about REAGAN including how to spell his name.


Ronnie was mistaken. It will come waving the flag and carrying a bible.


I always knew there was something not right about liberals or Democraps.

15. Capture one or both of the political parties in the U.S. [Note: In his book, "Reagan’s War," Peter Schweizer demonstrates the astonishing degree to which communists and communist sympathizers have penetrated the Democratic Party. In his book, Schweizer writes about the presidential election of 1979.]

--The Naked Communist


You're confusing Liberalism with Liberals. They don't mean the same thing and you're showing your ignorance.



Liberalism literally means freedom. You mean Illiberalism.

That's why you should READ BOOKS instead of banning them.


Russia loves their oligarchs. They murder their political enemies


They used to push people out of the window now they just blow them up.
