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Study finds conservatives treat people more equally than liberals


They certainly tip better.


Liberals are hypocrites. They talk a bunch about equality, dignity and whatever but they drop the pretension in a heartbeat as soon as they gain power. It is like Muslims who act like victims when a minority but as soon as they gain signifiant numbers it is is Sharia Law and you are doomed.


Yet all I see here is hate for "liberals." The same jerks crying, pissing, spitting, and moaning hate, over and over.
What a wonderful bunch - not. I can imagine what it's like to live near these jerks. Doing everything they can to advertise what group they identify with, and chirping everyone who walks past.


Exactly, except you wrote "liberals" when you clearly meant conservatives.

You're welcome.


Yes, I agree with you.


It's true. Conservatives treat Adolf Hitler and Shirley Temple more equally than liberals do.

However, "On personality measures, liberals are more egalitarian than conservatives. This preference for equality is often measured with the Social Dominance Orientation Scale, which contains items about both equality of treatment (e.g., “We would have fewer problems if we treated people more equally”) and equality of outcomes (e.g., “We should strive to make incomes as equal as possible”)."


You do know it was liberals who were against entering ww2.

Not all germans are nazis

Imagine going into war with that mentality.


You do know it was liberals who created the Republican Party.


And what were these liberal policies?

For real though, for a long time white American Christians are the most donating and volunteering group the world has seen.
Countries people are fleeing they go there and help.


"You do know it was liberals who were against entering ww2."



You do know the liberals back then were also anti-fascist while conservatives were the most opppsed to entering a war against fascism? That many Republicans were isolationists while business lobbyists had no issue continuing to do business with the Nazi regime?

I'm wouldn't have a clue, and I don't know why I'm wasting my time responding in this cess pit of Trumpian stupidity and craziness...


You know, Hollywood were big fans of Hitler in the early days.


Sounds like the relationship they have with China today


They are leftists...far from anything "liberal".

I live in a very lefty part of the country. It's true, the majority of people here aren't worth knowing. They just parrot CNN, and it's super cringe. The folks in the midwest are way more friendlier and overall happier.


You don't sound happier.


Pot meet Kettle


Well, since I'm not in the midwest, nor a conservative. I'm just plain ol content with life. Unlike the lefty loons surrounding me. I pity them.


Leftist, liberals, politically correct, progressives, woke they have a transgender pact.


I use to be a lot more liberal than i am now. I feel that progressive and hard core liberal. Have gotten away from MLK's "judge people by the content of there character, not the color of there skin." Now all they do is judge based on there skin. In fact now your skin color is the most important thing about you. Which is pretty much what the KKK believed. So it dosnt surprise me that conservatives are more egalitarian than progressives. Especially with my interactions with conservatives online.


They've become more racist than the southern hicks they point their bigotry towards.


Also, one's genitalia.


This doesn't shock me. I've worked in nonprofit pretty much my whole career and conservatives are almost always more charitable.


That’s because liberals like to spend everyone else’s money. 🤣


You're not wrong. It's gotten worse too, because they don't even hide it anymore. They think stealing from others - as long as they are rich - is perfectly fine. Same with immigration. Ever notice they don't even pretend to hide their "no human is illegal" stance?


Yes, yes we do. The moment you start talking about how I need to "check my privilege" or think I need to apologize for my existence 24/7 I won't show you any respect.
