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The Troops Are Being Vetted For Loyalty

“In the days leading up to the Biden inaugural, the nation’s capital has been turned into an occupied military zone like Baghdad. In fact, there are more US troops in the nation’s capital today than in Iraq, Syria and Afghanistan combined.”

“If Joe Biden needs 25,000 troops to protect his inauguration and he’s paranoid about an insider attack from those troops. perhaps he wasn’t elected by the people.”

Were armed troops sent to quell the Burn, Loot, Murder & Antifa terrorists? A resounding NO!

Were armed troops sent to quell the treasonable actions of those who took over cities? A resounding NO!


What country on Earth WOULDN'T vet their troops after what just happened?


I don’t recall troops being involved. Vetting our troops shouldn’t include “Who did you vote for?”
Or...”Are you a Trump supporter?”


Next the troops will be re educated with a BLM and antifa hand book.

Now the Democrats dont want trump voters in the military.

And no one can see how crazy the Democrats are? That they have some sick ideas


“Now the Democrats dont want trump voters in the military.”

No they don’t! Guess who is flocking to our southern border? Military age men. They can’t wait to get here so with the huge WELCOME mat Biden has put down they will be legalized and permitted to enter our military. The alt left on this board and elsewhere cannot see the forest for the trees! Again they hated Trump more than they loved their country.


More like paranoid delusion.


I thought soldiers swore an oath of loyalty to their country or is Biden going to do a Hitler and plan to have them swear an oath to himself?


This is actual fascism.


no no it isnt. you consistently post on topics you dont understand.


I live in one of the most liberal college towns on the West Coast.
We had one - ONE - riot, and it was shameful.
I'm glad people are upset enough about systemic racism and police brutality, but not for indiscriminate targeting of average businesses
But you and your ilk keep REPEATING THE LIE that there has been massive lawlessness because of Black Lives Matter.
Compared to the consistent intimidation by gun carrying and flag waving pro rump idolators, whatever small efforts at disrupting life as usual in the US are like flies on a horse's back.
But people like you have NO SHAME to keep LYING to cover-up your own hatred of Equal Rights for black and brown people.


That a large number of insurrectionist, pro-rumpers come from law enforcement and the military says a lot about the mentality of who wants to serve in those capacities. They want a dictator they can go to battle for, they want to dominate others because they think they have the god-given right to. It's so disgusting and upsetting. No wonder we don't trust cops. Why should we?
And please don't argue who's going to come to our aid. Do we want Strong Arm Goons being our protectors? Not in a society that reveres Justice.
