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PBS Exec Wants Kids TAKEN from Parents and Put Into RE-EDUCATION CAMPS?!

You left-wing assholes who think your shit doesn't stink want to explain this?! You, who have the nerve to think you're on the "right side of history," and call anyone who stands up for the US Constitution is a "Nazi," and then you go spouting this shit?!

Explain yourselves, goddammit! >:(

I may not like you're sorry asses, but I'd rather see the lot of you humiliated and made to look stupid while you live your own lives; I would NEVER demand that YOU or YOUR CHILDREN get marched off to re-education camps. Only a true fascist thinks that way, you fucking, hypocritical sons of bitches.


Hmm, I didn't realize some unknown lawyer at PBS spoke for the entirety of non trump supporters. But you do you.


Look, I'm sorry they pushed you out and maced you, but let's not pretend to get angry over something no left-wing politician is calling for just so you can have your revenge.


These alt-wrongos love to paint with a broad brush. If we aren't with rump, we are baby-killing Commies. It's so effing stupid and impossible to understand exactly what they really want to see in the country going forward.
But whatever it is, it favors the rich and the rest of us can suck it.


Not yet they aren’t, but give them time. They already want to rid Congress of Trump supporters. You laugh, but their evil thoughts are coming out. USA Today wants people to name those who were at the Capitol protest. I suppose we need to have someone stand in front of a tank for the world to take notice of how shades of Hitler’s ideas are taking root in this country. People being fired for attending the rally and protest...and I don’t mean the breaching of the Capitol.

Hmm?🤔 I don’t recall USA wanting people to identify those who Burned, Looted & Murdered last year! Maybe it’s because it was a revolving door for BLM (I always think bowel movement when I type those letters).


Your keyboard warrior skills are weak. Try going back to high school and learn a little.


They are already in camps... called public schools.

Haha, ClownfishTV is great, there's nothing better than an epic GeekySparkles rant.


Me thinks you is a wee bit angry. Thank the Lord and pass the biscuits! 🤣👏🏻👏🏻


The hate for the Right is clear and it doesn't have to be overt like this bigoted piece of shit but it is huge within the Communist party. They are at war with Republicans and Christians and the problem is that Republicans and Christians don't know it. If you tell them someone is at war with them....... they they act confused.

Wear your dust mask, lemmings.
