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These are people of the land. The common clay of the new Republican party. You know, morons.



Writing credit: Mel Brooks, circa 1974.


Trump's plan (let's speculate here a bit that this WASN'T merely a spontaneous uprising encouraged by Trump's speech) was flawed. They had to make it look like there were concerned patriots taking back the country from a tyrannical government that had stolen an election. However, they didn't want to appear as the aggressor (they failed in this by the way), with Trump supporters coming in guns blazing though, nor did they want to get police and military elements (whom I convinced exist to some extent, though perhaps not in as great numbers as many Trump supporters suppose) involved too soon either, lest it appear to be a Thailand-style third world coup. That's bad optics. They ("they" being a relatively small and discipline vanguard who had a very specific goal) had to seize the Hart building before they could take hostages and end the certification process. The main thing was not to provoke the cops and other armed people and take the chance that they wouldn't shoot, especially the woefully inadequate (for this situation) Capitol Police, and push into the building as far as the could. If security did open fire on them, than this could be used as a rallying cry and justification for full on civil war. Another more heavily armed wave might well have followed, or perhaps they would have held off to regroup at a later date. If they didn't get much resistance (which they didn't until running into Pence's Secret Service detail), then so much the better, and mission accomplished. AFTER the inner sanctum where lawmakers holed up and the votes were kept is captured, then I think you would have a seen a MUCH more militant hard core materialize, and this building would have been held by force, and destroyed if necessary, to make reconvening by lawmakers to certify the vote pretty much impossible for the foreseeable future. A quorum to do anything in Congress is also impossible. Lawmakers are broken up into groups and held hostage in separate locations throughout the underground labyrinth that is the Capitol building. As the Iranians learned in the 1979 hostage crisis, you don't keep all your hostages in one location. This sets up a justification for martial law to be declared by Trump, the votes to be nullified, the aforementioned loyalists in the police and military called up, and voila, this allows the state legislatures to decide the election. I think we know how that ends...

However, in the real world, Trump is simply incompetent and had no real plan... or so it seems. If this really was the intent, though, it was thwarted by the Secretary of the Army (under whose authority is still not known) finally authorizing the Virginia Guardsmen, and Pence's own people (or was it a Capitol Cop? reports differ) shooting one of the seeming leaders of the approaching vanguard group.



My scenario above may be a piece of creative writing (perhaps), HOWEVER, the bullet we managed to dodge on January 6th could play out for real (and with much greater success) at state capitols across the nation on Inauguration Day. So, it might not be an idle exercise after all.


Because they didn't think they were committing a crime. They were fooled into thinking the law was on their side, and that they were just reversing the voter fraud that Biden and the dems committed against America. They didn't need guns. They just needed zip ties to cuff Pence and Pelosi, to be hanged at the gallows later.

This is what happens when you lie over and over again to republican voters that their livelihoods are in peril.

Answer this, OP. Why would somebody lie over and over again to republican voters that their livelihoods are in peril when you know over half of them will believe it?


Many did bring weapons!

The police reported that they confiscated many guns. One of the reasons the police didn't pull their guns is because they knew many in the mob were armed and they would be outgunned by them.
