MovieChat Forums > Politics > When did this turn into an anti-cop thin...

When did this turn into an anti-cop thing?

ALL OVER social media people are turning this into another opportunity to shit on cops. 100s if not 100s of posts somehow turning this into a cop issue. Doc Rivers, Steve Kerr, and even Biden have chimed in. "Racism", of course.

Oh and btw, 4 dead, 68 arrested, 50 cops injured in the riot, but sure. "Racism". Makes me regret voting for Biden if all he's gonna do is tell me how easy I have it, how much white people suck, or cater to the liberal mob.

There's no common sense anymore. Just fanaticism or pandering to it.


Joe "the uniter" Biden, ladies and gents. This is his first official response to a crisis. This is how he unites people"

I am starting to regret voting for this guy. I had hoped he was a moderate, but he's just caving to the far left portion of his party I tried to combat it by voting for all Republicans, but I don't think it's gonna work. We're just gonna see a liberal version of the last 4 years.

Get ready to be told how bad you suck if you're white for the next four years. This is EXACTLY why Trump and his insane How do these people not understand that? They created this monster and his followers. No one has any perspective anymore. Both parties have been taken over by fanatics or people who cater to them: like Biden, Graham, and all the other old politicians who don't have the balls to stand up to these lunatics.

Psychos tried to stage a coup yesterday and all liberals want to talk about is the cops?!!


Little sensitive are ya buddy?

I'm white and don't feel this way.

Must be rough being you.


An unarmed woman was shot and killed during the chaos which was unexpected. But a bad decision made in the heat of the moment by a police office, will not deter my utmost respect for them. Recall Kent state? I don’t hate the National Guard for what occurred. The police were not prepared for yesterday’s happenings. Not their fault. I’m sure they weren’t prepared to handle an unruly mob.

No, don’t blame them. Blame the out of control thugs who stormed the seat of our government. There is video of Trump telling those at the rally to protest peacefully. But, once the protesters breached the doors and gained entry, broke glass, did damage they were no longer protesters...they became the same thugs we saw too often last year. They learned from the best!

Last year the person you voted in as Vice-president, Pamela Harris told her supporters to bail out the rioters. Without a doubt Biden won because of hatred for Trump. No one could sell Biden. The answer was always “Because I can’t stand Trump!” You and other Biden voters weren’t able to relate Biden’s planned policies. All you knew was you couldn’t stand Trump! I knew what was planned and it’s already begun...silencing speech.

BTW, those so-called psychos as you called them are in the same camp BLM and Antifa attends. Did you call them psychos?


That "unarmed woman" was a part of the unruly mob you just mentioned.

Biden isn't radical, which is why he got my vote. He's a fucking Republican compared to the liberal mob; who like to call themselves "progressives" now. Biden himself does not scare me, but he's showing signs of catering to the mob. Many Republicans do not like Trump, politicians included. They put party over politics too and caved to him many times over the years. They're bailing on him now, but they feared him for 4 years. Biden is the opposite. Instead of forcing people to agree with him - like Trump wold - he's caving to the left-wing part of the party.

Fuck BLM and Antifa too. People who "protest" aren't normal.


“ That "unarmed woman" was a part of the unruly mob you just mentioned.” It still didn’t warrant being shot to death. Holding a knife or firearm...hell yes!


So if they're unarmed, you let them attack and overrun government officials to take them hostage. Gotcha.


Yeah it sucks because of the lack of police tactics. They are trained to either let something happen, or shoot to kill assuming they have no nonlethal devices which quite often they don't. They are trained to only pull the trigger to kill, never wound. It's a problem.


I can't stand rump and I can't stand you either. It's like talking to junior high school kids who just say the opposite of everything you say and end up with, "I don't believe you." You can show them physics and math and logic and reason and they will still say - I don't believe you. So eff it. These people don't bother to open up their minds to the Scriptures and teaching of Jesus, and rather listen to rump and the far alt wrong and that's their gospel. What the hell are we supposed to do about that? We're no better than all the other petty dictatorships like Haiti and the Philippines and all the other countries without leadership and resources to help their citizens think toward a better future. They want us to live in fear of what it might be like to be compassionate and caring, to give more than you receive, to treat others like you want to be treated.


What in God's name are you talking about?


50 cops should not be injured because people are crazy over not winning the election. It's the people that are crazy, including the cops who are really just people that to put on a cop uniform and sign up for a badge, not the cops.




People are causing the problems, including people as cops that aren't interested in solving problems, unlike an actual cop.


The cops caused the riot 2 days ago or the many that happened last summer? Really, now?




All 58 million


You voted for a man who can't admit when he's wrong. Everything is a conspiracy theory with him, a hoax, or "fake news". He never actually loses, it's all a set up. The world is against him. He did this for YEARS and it came to a head in an attempted coup. Sit down, you fool.




I'm not seeing a lot of blame for the cops here. I'm seeing blame on the ones who were supposed to ask the cops to show up. I'm hearing reports of Trump lying that he called the National Guard when there actually had to be a bypass to get them to come.

If it turns out it's true that he blocked the Nat'l Guard then he needs to be imprisoned.


I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you simply aren't reading some of the stuff. In that case, I will tell you, Rivers, Kerr, BIDEN, and thousands of of people in this country are putting forth the idea the cops "did nothing" the other day and would have treated "black protestors" differently.

"Doc Rivers on DC riots: 'Could you imagine today, if those were all Black people?'"

"You see the Capitol stormed without repercussion," Kerr said after Wednesday's game against the Clippers. "At the same time is the officers in the Jacob Blake shooting were not charged. It is such a blatant contrast in how people are treated in this country, based on the color of their skin."

"Biden Said Black Lives Matter Protesters Would Have Been Treated "Very Differently" Than The Trump Mob Was At The Capitol"

80+ people arrested, 5 dead (1 cop), and 50 cops injured, but sure, the cops did nothing.


Biden is correct. If BLM were protesting at the capitol, the National Guard would've been there before any siege could take place.

Also, some of the security did let Trumpers in through the doors. That would not have happened for BLM. Though BLM would not have been shot in that situation. They would've simply been rejected entrance.


50 cops were injured, you head case. FIFTY. COPS. One of them was killed. Did they not get the memo? Why were they attacked if the cops "did nothing" or were "in on it"?

That woman that broke into the Capitol Building was unarmed. And white. She was shot despite these things. It's almost as if her race had nothing to do with it.

Over 80 people were arrested and they are actively plastering people's pictures ALL OVER the news trying to find the ones that weren't, but sure. "The COPS!!!" Fucking idiot.


As I said, I wasn't seeing a lot of blame on the cops, except those that let people in.

Most of the blame I was seeing was toward the lack of law enforcement officers. Trump had just gotten done telling his hogs to bully republicans into siding with Trump before telling them to march to the capitol.

The law enforcement that was there were nowhere near enough to stop the siege. Why is that?

A white woman got shot because she somehow thought her Trumpism would allow her to siege a federal building with elected officials inside. If it was a group of black people, it wouldn't be just one person in that group that was shot.


"This would have been treated differently if they were white."

Who the fuck do you think they're talking about? Police deal with rioters, you fucking liberal clown.


This is what they're talking about.


Maybe the criticism has to do with DC police assuring capitol staff beforehand that they were making preparations and that they would respond to intelligence about the far right groups who had promised to make it their day of action, but those assurances turned out to be lies and zero preparation was made.


Why is it always the cops' fault with you people?


Why didn't they plan ahead?


Why didn't they plan ahead last summer?

There's 800k police in this country and 331 million civilians. You can't stop a mob unless you're really willing to fake advantage of your tools. The mob has numbers, but the cops got the hardware. They're not allowed to though, so the mob overruns them. This isn't hard.
