MovieChat Forums > Politics > For those who don't believe white privle...

For those who don't believe white privledge is real, just look at this shit today!

So we have a domestic terrorism incident where the damned Capitol building is stormed, windows and doors have been bashed open, plenty of people carrying guns, police are openly attacked, and the cops somehow aren't fearing for their lives and opening fire for once?



Yup. Imagine BLM trying something like this. They would all be instantly killed.


You dreaming again? You seriously believe what you wrote? You had to be comatose during all of the riots last year. You are aware no one takes you seriously due to your twisting of facts, taking words out of context, never admitting being in error, and just scared to death Trump is under your bed at night!


Uhh, hello? There's video of law enforcement opening the gate for these terrorists.

You've become unhinged by the reality that the alt-right are terrorists.


We lived a whole year with anarchy brought on by BLM & Antifa. You dare call these stormtroopers terrorists while being mum about the antics of BLM & Antifa. It’s a shame we now have domestic terrorism on the right...but they learned from the best...your kind.


BLM and Antifa rioted because of police brutality leading to the death of George Floyd in combination with a pandemic that was already making life harder for them.

Trumpers are rioting because Trump's fascist regime fed them lie after lie after lie.

You need serious help.


You, in your usual style omitted the beatings and murders perpetrated by your beloved domestic terrorists BLM and Antifa. I can locate the videos if you need to see the violence. Nah! Waste of time!


I hate to say this about anybody, but, based on your writings here, you are one stupid, ill-informed sonofabitch.


Floyd had already been screaming "I can't breathe" before he was laid on the floor. Not to mention the position Chauvin had Floyd in was completely protected by law and only resulted in death because of Floyd's drug intake. Not to mention that Floyd had spent his entire life being a criminal who at one point held a pregnant BLACK woman at gunpoint. What goes around comes around, and if Floyd were white, no one would disagree with this statement.


kspkap is having a mental breakdown. For months she's been trying to blame Pelosi for what Mitch McConnell was doing. And since neither BLM nor Antifa are at the capitol to receive any of the blame, kspkap's brain goes haywire and tries to warp reality.


Not only are you stupid, but I'm starting to think you're a bad person.


You really need to shut the hell up.


OK! I will if you will. Your ignorance is getting a bit much to bear.


Despicable piece of trash alert!


And you are a gnat which I just flicked off my shoulder. I won’t see your latest ad hominem attack against me because you have just been awarded with the Ignore button. I’ve wasted enough time with someone whose little gray cells aren’t firing quite right.


I'm really glad you ignored me, because finding a way to respond to someone with this level intelligence is really intimidating. You got me so good, girl.


She's having a mental breakdown. For months she tried to blame Pelosi for what McConnell was doing. Now that she has nobody to blame for what the Trumpists are doing right now, her brain goes haywire.


Seattle, Minneapolis, San Francisco, and every city with a college in it ... were burned to the ground, all that is left are smoking cinders. It's true !


ANTIFA/BLM would've burned the shit to the ground (burning police vehicles, setting fire inside the building), graffiti the congress with spray paint, and breaking way more shit imo. There was few scuffles and ruffling about, few people injured, 1 shot, some windows broken, a supposed pipe bomb but other than that, nothing else happened. It has mostly died down now.


They are trying to burn news equipment right now.

Law enforcement would've swarmed on BLM and murdered them on sight. Police don't take kindly to their types.

That said, BLM riots because of police brutality leading to death like what happened to George Floyd and keeps happening.

Trumpers do it based on lies that their cult leader won an election he lost.


Meh, news equipment. Nothing burger from all the scenes I have seen coming from the left mob during those June 2020 and onward. No comparison imo :/.

I think the same would've happened if Trump DID overturn the election the left would come out in force, the more violent variant.


If Trump took the election away from the rightful winner then some centrists and moderate repubs would've come out in force too because it would've meant the end of democracy with no election meaning anything ever again.

The BLM riots were from police brutality during a pandemic. If there was no DNC, those riots would've still happened.

If there was no Trump, this would not have happened.


Would've still happened since as you said, it was from police brutality, at least for the early onset with rage ensuing. Probably not long lasting as under Trump but it still would've happened.


Also, we're not seeing any Antifa here. All we're seeing is the fascist hogs doing their fascist thang. If the leftists were so violently against Trump and his supporters as you claim, they would've been here to fight them.

But if Antifa showed up, they would've been blamed for starting the whole thing.


Good point. All this inflamed Antifa talk is B***S***
Because the wrong wing has an obvious, well-armed militia spoiling for carnage, the wrong wingers need to create an opposite version and claim how awful they are. It's a way to condone their own attempts at intimidation and mayhem.


I saw somewhere they were told to stay home and not attend but you're right, I didn't see them there. Could be other factors in play or they were elsewhere similar to when Trump had his so-called Million MAGA marches in DC.


The BLM riots were BS. As I said above...

Floyd had already been screaming "I can't breathe" before he was laid on the floor. Not to mention the position Chauvin had Floyd in was completely protected by law. Not to mention that Floyd had spent his entire life being a criminal who at one point held a pregnant woman at gunpoint. What goes around comes around, and if Floyd were white, no one would disagree with this statement.


Trumpists even condemned Chauvin for the way he used his knee. First they tried your tactic of digging up crap on Floyd to retroactively justify his future murder. But then they had to admit Chauvin fucked up.


Im an individual.


An individual cultist. Now go Find more excuses for your fellow cultists sieging the capitol because their cult leader lied to them. Don't give up on 10 posts.


They did and they were not killed.

You absolute trash heap of a liar.



BLM stormed a capitol building which hasn't been sieged since 1812 until today?

Okay, cultist.


Yes! Where's all the gas they used on black protestors and Latino kids being locked in cages?


They were too busy opening the gates for these protesters to get out the gas.


I don't buy into white privilege but I do know that there are various types of privilege like class, wealth, celebrity, looks. Today's political unrest has nothing to do with race BUT I suspect most Trump cultists are white. The proud boys are multiracial and they support the preservation of western society and patriarchy. One woman was FATALLY shot and people are being detained by capitol police. Trump's cult is acting up all over the nation and I expect several people to be arrested.

You are also forgetting the mobs that ransacked several cities and towns all over the nation after the Floyd death. Antifa and BLM mobs were causing chaos so it's not a surprise that the Trump cultists are acting up. Police can't really deal with huge mobs.


We were told all summer violence and destruction is okay....why is it not ok now?


It's like watching this summer all over again!


Except inside of the Capital building in Washington DC.


Remember the Chaz? Stfu


You complain when people who are treated differently by the police end up rioting over it.

But you make excuses when people riot to end elections and democracy.


You complain when people who are cheated out of an election riot over it

You make excuses for drug addicts, rapists, pregnant woman muggers, and guys who break protective orders.

#MeToo eh


Police handled white mob with kid gloves. Compare to police beating blacks who only wanted basic civil rights.


Yup. There were some cops taking selfies with the rioters too. 'Murica.
